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A plaque on the bridge declares this ship class to be the result of "Project Ziggurat". It appears to be built on technology created in a Tri-Tachyon prototype lab unknown to the Persean Sector at-large. In addition to advanced conventional loadout, there are certain one-off components of exotic manufacture - it is possible to reverse-engineer undamaged examples and produce replacements, but the underlying operating principles do not resemble any known Domain technology and thus remain a mystery.

–In-Game Description

The Ziggurat-class ship once had a human crew; or, at least, was intended to be crewed by humans. No sign of them remains as physical evidence or in databanks. Even the cleanest Hegemony warship will have some initials and a rude word or two about the CO scratched behind a maintenance hatch. Here, nothing.

–Additional Codex Description


The Ziggurat-class Phase Vessel is a unique phase capital ship encountered at the Alpha Site as part of the Project Ziggurat quest, where it is an extremely dangerous enemy. After defeating it, the ship can be recovered in a somewhat weaker form for player use. Its default name is "TTS Xenorphica".

As the Ziggurat is a unique, distinctive ship, while it is in the player fleet other fleets will always recognize the player even with the transponder disabled.


  • Found orbiting Alpha Site, which can be visited at any time regardless if you're doing the quest or not. All you need is the Transverse Jump ability. The location is usually to the north-east of Hybrasil, appearing as a nascent gravity well.



Tips and Strategies

Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.

  • Fleets fielding mostly Low Tech ships, especially crusiers or capitals, have an advantage in taking down the Ziggurat, as Low Tech ships can field enough PD to effectively destroy motes and enough armor and hull to mitigate any damage from motes that do get past PD.
  • High Tech ships will struggle against the shield-piercing motes, which bypasses even the strongest shields and damages the weak armor and hull commonly found in High Tech ships.


  • A ziggurat is a type of large Mesopotamian structure. The word itself originates from the ancient Assyrian word ziqqurratum, meaning height or pinnacle.
  • The ship's default name, xenorphica, originates from a 19th-century musical instrument. Otherwise known as the claviharp, it's a combination of a harp and a keyboard.
  • David Baumgart, one of the game designers of Starsector, said in a post on bluesky that the captain portrait used during the ziggurat boss battle, zig_captain.png, is actually a heavily photoshoped picture of himself taken under extreme lighting.


  • Patch 0.95: ???