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Campaign mode was originally introduced in the 0.5 Alpha preview

It serves as the main game mode of Starsector, and takes place in the Persean Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.

New Game

Main article: Commander Creation

To start off Campaign mode, the player needs to undergo Character Creation.

Here the player can make customization and also influence the procedural generation of the non Core World systems.

The player can also modify the start that they have, ranging from just a few ships to a small fleet.


The campaign is just a sandbox for the player where they can do whatever they desire, from which they will mainly interface with through the various Screens such as the Campaign Screen.

The Persean Sector

The map of the campaign can be divided into the following distinguishing:

Credits Making

Generally speaking, the player will be making Credits in many different ways, such as through:

Fleet Building

The player would also be inclined to build up their Fleet as it will increases their capabilities to pursue the activities above (among other things), which can be done through:

Maintenance & Supply

The player would also need be able to field such as a Fleet:


There are also some other important things that players should or can do:

Finally the player can pursue some certain things once they've reached a comfortable point:


  • The Campaign starts on Day 29, Month 1, Cycle 206.
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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.