The Core Worlds

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The Core Worlds are the cluster of systems that lie at the center of the sector, housing the vast majority of the sector's human population and industry. All markets interactable at the start of the game are located in the Core Worlds, although small settlements exist outside, in the form of decivilized population. In the age of the Domain, the Core Worlds were the heart of the sector, which spanned the entire Persean Sector as a result of a mass-colonisation effort. For over 200 cycles, the survivors of the Collapse have been struggling over the remains of civilisation, hanging on to what little remains of the Domain's former dominance that was shattered with the loss of the Gates.

While the rest of the sector is randomly generated, the Core Worlds are always identical, with fixed names, position, and faction ownership. 24 systems compose the cluster, each home to members of the various factions; the Hegemony, Tri-Tachyon, the Persean League, the Luddic Church, and the Sindrian Diktat, in addition to the Independent coalition and unaligned Pirates.

Star Systems

Star Systems of the Core Worlds
Star System Faction Markets
Al Gebbar Luddic Path EpiphanyLP
Arcadia Hegemony AgreusINCitadel ArcadiaHGNomiosIN
Askonia Sindrian Diktat CruorSDNortiaINSindriaSDUmbraPIVolturnSD
Aztlan Hegemony ChicomoztocHGCoatlHG
Canaan Luddic Church AsherLCGileadLC
Corvus Hegemony AsharuINGarnirPIJangalaHG
Duzahk Hegemony -
Eos Exodus Luddic Church BaetisINHesperusLCTartessusLC
Hybrasil Tri-Tachyon CethlennINCulannTTDonnPIEochu BresTT
Isirah Persean League Laicaille HabitatPLKapteyn StarworksPI
Kumari Kandam Luddic Path ChalcedonLPKanniPIOlinaduPL
Magec Independent Kanta's DenPINova MaxiosINTibicenaTT
Mayasura Persean League MairaathPLLost AstropolisPIPort Tse Franchise StationTT
Naraka Hegemony NachiketaHGYamaHG
Penelope's Star Luddic Church -
Samarra Hegemony EventideHGOrthusINSphinxHGTigra CityHG
Thule Persean League EldfellINKazeronPLThulian Raider BasePI
Tia Hegemony -
Tyle Persean League CibolaPLMadeiraPL
Valhalla Hegemony RaesvelgHGRagnar ComplexHGSkathiTT
Westernesse Persean League AilmarINAthulfPLFikenhildPLSuddenePL
Yma Persean League QarasPISalamancaPL
Zagan Persean League IlmINMazalotPLYesodPL

Almost all systems are inhabited at the start of the game. Duzahk, Penelope's Star, and the Tia-Ta'xet binary system are uninhabited, but are still claimed (Penelope's Star by Luddic Church and the other two by Hegemony). Attempting to establish a colony in the Core Worlds will typically result in bombardment by a controlling or claiming faction.

Locations of Interest

Abandoned Bases

Main article: Abandoned Base

There are three abandoned structures found within the Core Worlds that allow players access to free storage. They can be found in the following systems;

  • Corvus (Abandoned Terraforming Platform)
  • Mayasura (Abandoned Astropolis)
  • Yma (Abandoned Siphon Station)

Galatia Academy

Main article: Galatia Academy

Located in the Galatia star system, Galatia Academy has no market, but is nonetheless quite important, being the key location for a major quest line.


Starscape Mode on
Starscape mode on
Starscape mode off
Starscape mode off
Political Map of the Core Worlds
Political map of the Persean Sector


Overlayed onto the Hyperspace map of the Core Worlds are the names of the respective Nebula clouds:

  • Atlantian is likely a reference to the mythical Atlantis.
  • Telmun is the name of an ancient civilization in the Middle East.
  • Zin is a desert mentioned in the Bible.

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