Hegemony | |||||||||||||||
General Information | |||||||||||||||
The Hegemony is a martial successor state to the Domain formed by a 'lost legion' trapped in a backwater system by the collapse of the Domain gate network. Built upon a creative interpretation of protocols which indefinitely extends Domain-style martial law, the founders of the Hegemony believed that the overriding cause of restoring the Domain and therefore stability, peace, and prosperity to the Sector and indeed the entire galaxy must come before certain niceties of human rights. The survival of humanity is at stake and it is only the discipline of the Hegemony military that protects worlds where some semblance of the normalcy of human civilization can be nurtured. Anything that threatens the Great Cause must be neutralized; if a few activists must be discouraged for the greater good, so be it.
Civilian hierarchies exist to govern the planets and stations under Hegemony rule but are entirely subordinate to the military. The specifics of civilian organization varies between worlds, as was Domain policy. When in doubt, the Hegemony applies a modified Domain-era colonial charter to dictate political organization. This standard-charter civilian hierarchy is generally elected, however as per martial law valid candidates must be approved by the local military authority. Exceptional times require exceptional measures, yet still the Hegemony fosters the flickering flame of galactic democracy under the same principles that founded the Domain. |
–In-Game Faction Description |
The Hegemony is the largest faction in the Sector, and controls the most military bases, spread out across most of the systems they control. Being the largest faction, as well as one of the most developed, they produce large quantities of raw materials and industry, including owning a Pristine Nanoforge on their capital of Chicomoztoc.
The Hegemony's lack of allies and many enemies at the start of the game makes war and combat frequent. However, their plethora of military bases make most of their territory generally secure.
The Cold Passage
Originally elements of the XIV Battlegroup, which was located at a transfer point near the Persean Sector when the Gate network failed during the Collapse; the Battlegroup initiated a network failure protocol, jury-rigging many units, placing most crew in emergency cryosleep, and travelling through hyperspace towards the nearest inhabited volume (the Persean Sector), stripping civilian ships and outposts of supplies along the way.
Arriving in the Persean Sector in c+49, the XIV Battlegroup discovered it ruled by the Warlord Leonis, which it promptly struck down; in the aftermath the officers of the XIV Battlegroup formed the Hegemony via the Eventide Diktat.[1][2]
"After the trials of the Cold Passage, the 14th Battlegroup limped across the Persean frontier to discover a sector dominated by the Warlord Leonis. The joint command of the 14th struck down that cruel reign and were hailed as liberators, laying the groundwork for Admiral Kali Molina to make a declaration of Hegemony over the Domain colonies of the Persean Sector with the Eventide Diktat of cycle 49." | ||
–Bar Historian |
Razing of Maairath
After Maairath was destroyed in c+82 by the Luddic Path, the Hegemony attacked the remainder of the Mayasuran Navy, taking control of the system. The outrage from major independent worlds over this action would spark the formation of the Persean League in c+83.[1]
c+82.10.22 – Hegemony attacks Mayasurian Navy. Hegemony is victorious and takes control of Mayasura system. |
circa c+83 – Formation of the Persean League
In response to the Hegemony, a loose alliance of major worlds declares itself the Persean League to uphold independent sovereignty |
First AI War
When Tri-Tachyon began deploying AI fleets in the Core Worlds in c+84, the Hegemony attempted to enforce restrictions on the Development of the AI fleets; thus sparking the First AI War shortly thereafter.[1]
c+89-95 – The First AI War
Hegemony declares intent to enforce Domain-era restrictions on AI development against Tri-Tachyon. The Persean League sides with Tri-Tachyon, the Luddic Church sides with the Hegemony. War engulfs the Sector. Terms of surrender involve acceptance of technological inspection by Hegemony (with support of Luddic Church). Much of the irreplaceable XIV Battlegroup matériel was destroyed in this war. Similarly, much of Tri-Tachyon’s infrastructure is devastated – or dismantled in the post-war settlement. c+95-107 – Joint Hegemony/Knights of Ludd fleet operations sweep autonomous AI from fringe systems until partnership agreement breaks down. c+107 – High Hegemon declares victory over the AI threat. |
The fighting was quite brutal, as Yami suffered bombardment, Nachiketa had its industries & facilities crippled by a tactical AM purge, and other losses not even known to the Hegemony.
Yama scored only marginal viability on the Eridani-Utopia Corporation survey charts, but the nearby fuel facility on Nachiketa prompted terraforming and colonization. It remains a subpar world, in lingering decline after the devastation of the First AI War.
Yama found itself relatively untouched by the Collapse - but, by the same measure, relatively untouched by capital investment before the Collapse. Years of stability under the Hegemony, barring the bombardments suffered during the First AI War, have been kind to the small, conservative society. It is a fine place for those of modest ambition and austere taste. |
–Yama Descriptions |
This world was selected by Domain bureaucrats as a site for one of the Persean Sector's AM fuel production facilities due to having no outstanding value apart from existing on a convenient axis of expansion into further frontiers. Industry and port facilities followed the boost in starship traffic, growing like barnacles from the massive armored, half-buried fuel plant. A major confrontation during the First AI War saw these surrounding port facilities devastated due to a tactical purge of AM reserves; the Hegemony secured victory, but crippled the industry and infrastructure of Nachiketa. | ||
–Nachiketa Description |
Warlord Loke Threat
After victory in the First AI War, the Hegemony continued to persist and stabilize in the coming cycles until the arrival of Onesimos Loke; a Warlord in command of a fleet of former Domain-era military ships. The tide turns against the Hegemony at first, with the defeat of a Hegemony fleet at Penelope's Star and the defection of logistics officer Jorien Kanta, bringing with her the Hegemony base at Guayota's Disk and its arsenal, giving Warlord Loke a base of operations within the Magec system.
Warlord Loke would be defeated by Phillip Andrada, a young and talented captain who came from a new generation of Hegemony officers. With Loke's defeat, Colonel Kanta launches a coup, purging the fleet of Loke's loyalists, and takes control of the Magec system as a Pirates Warlord. No mention is made whenever Loke dies in battle, or is assassinated by Kanta.[1]
circa c+160’s – Invasion of sector by the Warlord Loke
Rogue fleet of former Domain military warships under command of Onesimos Loke enters Persean Sector after raiding fringe worlds. Scores major victory by catching Hegemony taskforce unaware in Penelope’s Star. |
c+160 – Colonel Kanta turns traitor in Magec
Originally a Hegemony logistics officer, Colonel Kanta cuts a deal with Loke to turn the Hegemony base in Guayota’s Disk – and its arsenal – over to the pirate warlord. |
c+160 - Andrada defeats Warlord Loke
Much glory earned by the young and upcoming Hegemony officer Andrada in the Battle of Maxios. Hegemony policy promotes hero-worship as means to unify population. |
c+160 – Colonel Kanta declares herself successor to Warlord Loke
Once it’s clear how the tides are turning, Colonel Kanta turns again, spaces the Loke loyalists left on her station, and sets herself up as a pirate Warlord over the remains of Loke’s fleet. Local politics (and heavy weapons) make it inconvenient for the Hegemony to clean out her operation. She proceeds to build alliances and puts herself at the head of a dynasty of pirates and organized crime spread throughout the local systems. |
Askonia Crisis
The Hegemony would later become involved in the Askonia Crisis of c+180; a civil war between League supporters and Independence supporters. Admiral Andrada is sent by the Hegemony to support the Independents but in ensuing conflict a planet-killer weapon is detonated on Opis. The Crisis is resolved with Andrada declaring martial law, ignoring recall orders from the Hegemony executive council; most of Andrada's fleet joins him and his new state the Sindrian Diktat, while a minority mutiny and break off, either returning to Hegemony space, or joining the Askonian Revolutionary Council.[1]
c+181 – World of Opis is destroyed, Andrada takes Sindria, declares Sindrian Diktat
The moon Opis, capital and population center of the Askonia polity, is destroyed by a Planet Killer. Andrada blames rebels, rebels blame Andrada, other rebels blame each other, others blame outside agents. The Hegemony executive council considers Andrada’s actions erratic and ill-judged, issuing a recall order which he ignores, declaring it “weak-willed treason”. Phillip Andrada starts purges throughout Askonia system, declares himself executor-for-life aka Diktat Executor over new polity formed from the Hegemony intervention fleet. |
Second AI War
With the loss of a fleet and several officers from the Askonian Crisis, the Hegemony finds itself threatened by a newly-invigorated Tri-Tachyon. Under CEO Artemisia Sun, Tri-Tachyon declares war in c+189 over disputes against the AI tech inspections; beginning the Second AI War.[1]
Early c+189 – Outbreak of Second AI War
With Hegemony weakened by fallout from the Askonia Crisis – loss of fleet, loss of standing, loss of stability in officer corps, CEO Artemisia Sun uses tech inspection negotiations to instigate casus belli. |
Most of the war swings towards Tri-Tachyon within the early days, having installed backdoors on the Hegemony hyperspace communication relays and sending raids against Hegemony logistical fleets; the Hegemony responds with the use of packet ships and anti-raider task forces. Neither side is able to gain a decisive advantage.
By c+193, waning faith in CEO Sun leads to her removal by the "New Guard" executives, and Tri-Tachyon fleets gathered for a final strike at the Hegemony capital at Chicomoztoc
late c+193 Artemisia Sun removed as CEO of Tri-Tachyon Corporation
Shake-up of Tri-Tachyon leadership leads to major change in strategy. |
c+194.01 Tri-Tachyon attempts to invade Chicomoztoc
And fails. |
Though the Tri-Tachyon invasion fleet is ultimately defeated, a last stand by the Paragon-class TTS Invincible allows for the remainder of the fleet to escape with a planet-killer. A conditional surrender is negotiated afterwards at the Treaty of Crom Cruach in c+194, ending the Second AI War in the Hegemony's favor.[1][3]
c+194.02 – Treaty of Crom Cruach ends Second AI War
Allows Tri-Tachyon to remain power in Sector, though diminished. CEO Artemisia Sun returns to lead Tri-Tachyon after the “new guard” executives are completely disgraced. Hegemony prestige is renewed and new faces enter the ranks of executive council membership. |
Fleet Doctrine
The Hegemony primarily fields Low Tech fleets supported by a few select Midline ships. They are one of only two factions to possess a Pristine Nanoforge by default (the other being the Persean League), removing most defects from hull production.
Their doctrinal focus consists of exceptional and steady officers, at the expense of fewer ships per fleet.
Unique to the Hegemony is their XIV Battlegroup ships with its unique Fourteenth Battlegroup hullmod, featuring improved flux stats and armor compared to their regular counterparts, at the expense of their speed. Multiple ships have also been folded into the Hegemony as militarized auxiliaries. Though the Legion (XIV) was once part of the original XIV Battlegroup that would form the Hegemony, the blueprints for these ships have been lost to time.
Frigates | ||||
Ship | Tech | Role | Credits | Military only? |
Centurion | Midline | Heavy Frigate | 20,000¢ | No |
Dram | Low Tech | Tanker | 9,000¢ | No |
Gremlin | Low Tech | Phase Frigate | 26,000¢ | No |
Hermes | Midline | Shuttle | 5,000¢ | No |
Hound (A) | Hegemony | Combat Freighter | 12,250¢ | No |
Kite (A) | Hegemony | Shuttle | 7,000¢ | No |
Lasher | Low Tech | Frigate | 10,000¢ | No |
Mudskipper | Low Tech | Civilian Transport | 5,000¢ | No |
Ox | Low Tech | Tug | 16,000¢ | No |
Wolf (H) | Hegemony | Frigate | 13,000¢ | No |
Destroyers | ||||
Ship | Tech | Role | Credits | Military only? |
Buffalo (A) | Hegemony | Freighter | 30,000¢ | No |
Condor | Low Tech | Light Carrier | 32,000¢ | Yes |
Enforcer | Low Tech | Destroyer | 38,000¢ | Yes |
Enforcer (XIV) | XIV Battlegroup | Destroyer | 66,500¢ | Yes |
Nebula | Midline | Civilian Transport | 20,000¢ | No |
Phaeton | Low Tech | Tanker | 22,000¢ | No |
Salvage Rig | Midline | N/A | 20,000¢ | No |
Tarsus | Low Tech | Freighter | 19,000¢ | No |
Valkyrie | Midline | Troop Transport | 20,000¢ | No |
Cruisers | ||||
Ship | Tech | Role | Credits | Military only? |
Colossus | Low Tech | Heavy Freighter | 40,000¢ | No |
Dominator | Low Tech | Heavy Cruiser | 125,000¢ | Yes |
Dominator (XIV) | XIV Battlegroup | Heavy Cruiser | 187,500¢ | Yes |
Eagle | Midline | Cruiser | 100,000¢ | Yes |
Eagle (XIV) | XIV Battlegroup | Cruiser | 175,000¢ | Yes |
Falcon (XIV) | XIV Battlegroup | Light Cruiser | 140,000¢ | Yes |
Grendel | Low Tech | Phase Cruiser | 100,000¢ | Yes |
Mora | Low Tech | Carrier | 125,000¢ | Yes |
Starliner | Midline | Civilian Transport | 50,000¢ | No |
Capitals | ||||
Ship | Tech | Role | Credits | Military only? |
Atlas | Low Tech | Superfreighter | 75,000¢ | No |
Legion | Low Tech | Battlecarrier | 375,000¢ | Yes |
Onslaught | Low Tech | Battleship | 350,000¢ | Yes |
Onslaught (XIV) | XIV Battlegroup | Battleship | 612,500¢ | Yes |
Prometheus | Low Tech | Tanker | 80,000¢ | No |
Due to primarily using low tech ships, the Hegemony uses a vast array of ballistic weaponry. This includes elite ballistic weaponry that no other faction can use, either due to incompatibility with the ships they have, or doctrinal conflict.
Weapon Table | |||
Ballistic | Energy | Missile | |
Small | |||
Medium | |||
Large |
Carriers are not a focus in Hegemony doctrine. That said, they do field them on occasion to support their bigger ships.
Table of Fighters | ||||||
Image | Fighter | Designation | Design Type | OP | Wing Size | Base Value |
Talon | Interceptor | Low Tech | 2 | 4 | 2,000¢ | |
Broadsword | Heavy Fighter | Low Tech | 8 | 3 | 6,000¢ | |
Warthog | Heavy Fighter | Low Tech | 12 | 3 | 9,000¢ | |
Khopesh | Bomber | Low Tech | 12 | 2 | 7,000¢ | |
Longbow | Bomber | High Tech | 12 | 2 | 9,000¢ | |
Piranha | Bomber | Low Tech | 10 | 3 | 6,000¢ |
Colony Crisis
- Main article: Colony_Crises#Hegemony
The Hegemony will start to take interest in the player colonies if AI Cores are used. Given enough concentration / significance of AI Core usage on a colony of at least size 4, the Hegemony will sent AI Inspection Fleets to search & confiscates the AI Cores. Upon successfully defeating three sets of AI Inspection Fleets, the Hegemony will stop sending these AI fleets, allowing the player to use AI Cores to their full desire.
Relationship Tier Flavour Text
Tier | Description |
Cooperative | You are trusted and valued by the Hegemony, green-lit by patrols and port authorities alike, and have considerable access to high-level officieals. You are given much leeway, and may receive trade concessions and access to high-quality ships and munitions. |
Friendly | You are well known to the Hegemony, and admired. Officers respect your steadfastness and civilian personnel appreciative of your honest dealing. Functionaries learn that not every rule applies to you, and that you are trusted with restricted military hardware. |
Welcoming | Your integrity is known in the Hegemony bureaucracy, earning you respect from officers and the welcome of civilian personnel. There is willingness to sell you certain restricted materiel and forgo some of the more tedious inspections. |
Favourable | You have earned a begrudging respect from the Hegemony bureaucracy. Officers tend to be less strict with you, though this has few pratical implications. At best you might be sold low-grade surplus equipment and avoid being the target of a quota-meeting investigation. |
Neutral | You're not generally well known by Hegemony officials, for good or ill. |
Suspicious | Though nothing has been proven (yet), Hegemony officials tend to view you with distrust. Link access to the port authority is granted only grudgingly, and you find yourself the subject of investigations and harassment frequently. |
Inhospitable | Suspicions have risen to an actionable level. There's no shoot-on-sight authorization quite yet, but Hegemony ports will refuse to trade with you, and patrols seem on a mission to make your life miserable. |
Hostile | Hegemony commanders have authorization to engage your fleet on sight, and all markets are prohibited from trading with you. You might still recover good standing with the Hegemony, but it's going to take some serious work. |
Vengeful | A holo of your face and an IDENT-hash of your last known fleet are both regular parts of inter-system security bulletins. It's fairly certain there's a high-ranking Hegemony officer whose primary assignment is to hunt you down. |
Your meeting with the High Hegemon is a topic of speculation among the higher ranks. | ||
–Additional Description after meeting Baikal Daud |
Markets in italics contains Military Bases. The underlined market is the capital.
Arcadia | Aztlan | Corvus |
Galatia | Naraka | Samarra |
Valhalla | ||
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 "A True and Accurate History of the Persean Sector". Starsector blog.
- ↑ Bar Historian: "The start of the Hegemony", Starsector.
- ↑ "Forlorn Hope", Starsector.
Factions | |
Major Factions | |
Minor Factions |
Special | Derelicts · Remnants · Omega |