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A remnant of the autonomous AI fleets developed by the TriTachyon Corporation. Illegal under Domain (and Hegemony) law, and an abomination to the Church of Galactic Redemption, the First AI War saw these creations purged from the Sector. At least that is how the official histories tell it.

–In-Game descrption for Remnant ships

The Remnants are a minor faction lingering in the uninhabited of the Sector. They are usually known as the [REDACTED] by the game's community, as this faction's existence is a spoiler (albeit widely known by experienced players).

They present a serious threat to unwary explorers, and on the higher end, a threat to even late/endgame player fleets.

Warning beacons

A fully autonomous warning beacon. Contains a solid-state power system which enables theoretical operation and station-keeping half-life with an upwards range in the hundreds of thousands of cycles.

The astute starship captain will heed well its warning.

This autonomous warning beacon emits a looping message.

"DANGER: This star system is known to contain potentially active autonomous weapon systems. Access to this system by unauthorized parties is forbidden by Hegemony Navy diktat 224.34."

–Warning Beacon Description & Interaction Description

Systems that are inhabited by the Remnants can be identified by the warning beacons in hyperspace.

The beacon's color and number of pings indicate the strength of the Remnants inside:

Remnants Warning Beacons
Image Danger Level + Pings Remnants Presence
Beacon low.png LOW

1 ping

A few small fleets consisting of just a few Frigates.

Occasionally has a Gamma Core officer.

Generally not a threat except to the smallest of fleets.

Beacon med.png MEDIUM

2 pings

Some medium-sized fleets composed of Frigates, Destroyers & Cruisers.

Outfitted with Gamma Core, Beta Core & occasionally Alpha Core officers.

50% chance of possessing a Damaged Battlestation.

Substantially more dangerous than LOW danger systems, requiring a decently-sized & equipped fleet (a couple of cruisers) to openly traverse & explore.

Beacon high.png HIGH

3 pings

Vast amounts of large fleets composed of Frigates, Destroyers, Cruisers and at least one Capital.

Almost always completely outfitted with Gamma Core, Beta Core & Alpha Core officers.

A Fully Operational Battlestation will always be present.

Incredibly dangerous to openly venture even for fully finished late to endgame fleets; fleets here will almost always pursue the player on-sight.

Remnant Station

Main article: Remnant Battlestation

Remnants fleets will spawn from Remnant Battlestations found in MEDIUM & HIGH danger systems.

There is a 0% chance that one of any kind will be present in a LOW system.

MEDIUM systems has an aforementioend 50% chance of spawning a Damaged Battlestation, otherwise there won't be one at all. Such a station can be defeated by a moderately strong fleet (2-3 cruisers or a single capital, with escorts).

HIGH systems will always have a Fully Operational Battlestation, requiring a very strong fleet to be destroyed (multiple capitals, etc.).

Defeating a Remnant Battlestations will always drop an Alpha Core.

Fighting Remnants fleets in a system with a Battlestation causes spawning of larger Remnants fleets. The size of the Ordos and the quality of ships of a provoked Battlestation increases drastically.

Fleet size

Like standard patrol fleets for the normal factions, Remnants also have 3 type of fleets patrolling their systems.

Remnants Fleet Sizes
Term Description

(Fast Pickets)

The smallest of their fleets, these fleets can have between 1 and 6 ships, which usually consists of Frigates.

These are usually only outfitted by a few Gamma Core.

The smaller Fragments can be encountered at the jump points of any system that has at least LOW warning beacon, or guarding interesting objects like Caches, Debris Fields, and Abandoned Stations.



The medium-sized fleets, and the ones most commonly encountered in MEDIUM and HIGH danger systems, these fleets have between 7 and 10 ships.

Sub-Ordos have a balanced amount of Cruisers, Destroyers and Frigates, rarely, a Sub-Ordo can have a single Capital ship.

These are usually outfitted with Gamma Core, Beta Core & occasionally Alpha Core.

These are usually found roaming their systems, patrolling places of interest (planets, Jump Points, system infrastructure) and guarding their Battlestations.



The largest fleets, and they are usually encountered in HIGH danger systems, and very rarely in MEDIUM danger systems, these fleets have between 10 and 15 ships.

The size of Ordos can vary even if the systems have a fully identical looking Battlestations, some Battlestations spawn even in unprovoked state only large Ordos with 20 to 30 ships!

Ordos have some Frigates, and large amounts of Destroyers and Cruisers. They usually have about 1 - 4 Capitals, but they can spawn without one.

Almost all of these ships are also outfitted with Gamma Core, Beta Core & Alpha Core.

Like Sub-Ordos, these are usually found roaming their systems, patrolling places of interest (planets, Jump Points, system infrastructure) and guarding their Battlestations.

AI Core officers

Main article: AI Core

Remnants ships are officered by AI Cores, similar to a player using the Automated Ships skill but without the deployment point limit and with the same benefit of all of the skills being Elite.

Particularly large Ordos may have well over a dozen cores of varying type, which will drastically skewer the deployment point balance towards their fleet in an engagement scenario.

In addition, Remnants fleets receive benefits from the following skills:

Coordinated maneuvers2.png Coordinated Maneuvers Gain 6% nav rating bonus per frigate deployed, 3% per destroyer, and 1% per cruiser or capital ship, with an AI Core Officer up to a total of 20%.
EW 0.95.png Electronic Warfare Adds 1% ECM rating to every combat ship deployed, reducing the player's fleet's weapon range for up to 10%.
Flux dynamics 0.95.png Flux Regulation Increase flux capacity and flux dissipation by 10%.

Colony Crisis

Main article: Colony Crises

The Remnants will take an interest in any colony sharing a system with a Remnant Nexus. The only way to remove their threat is to destroy the nexus in question.

The Remnant crisis involves multiple Ordos being sent to conduct a saturation bombardment of their unwanted neighbor. Even if these fleets are defeated, more may be sent later.

List of ships and wings

Table of Remnants Droneships
Image Name Class Salvagable with Automated Ships?
Remnant frigate2.png Lumen Frigate YES
Remnant frigate1.png Glimmer Frigate YES
Remnant destroyer1.png Fulgent Destroyer YES
Remnant destroyer2.png Scintilla Destroyer YES
Remnant cruiser1.png Brilliant Cruiser YES
Remnant apex.png Apex Cruiser YES
Remnant nova.png Nova Capital Yes
Remnant battleship.png Radiant Capital Yes
Table of Remnants Drones
Image Fighter Designation Design Type OP Wing Size Base Value
Spark.png Spark Interceptor Drone Remnants 8 5 5,000¢
Lux.png Lux Fighter Drone Remnants 10 4 6,000¢
Flare.png Flash Strike Drone Remnants 12 4 8,000¢