Philip Andrada

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Andrada's Hegemony psych profile describes him as "intelligent, charismatic, yet prone to narcissistic excess". In his words, the Diktat was "formed in the crucible of the Askonia Crisis and with it a new people: a race of humans with emboldened spirit and clarity of purpose; stronger, possessing the will and determination to overcome the divisions and petty parliamentary politics that bred only chaos when tested by the collapse of the Gate System."

–Sindrian Diktat faction description

Philip Andrada, also spelled Phillip[note 1], is the Supreme Executor of the Sindrian Diktat. He is also known as the "Lion of Sindria".


Andrada circa Cycle 160
Andrada circa Cycle 181

In c.160, Andrada was a young and upcoming Hegemony officer who achieved fame by defeating the invading Warlord Onesimos Loke. Hegemony policy promoted hero-worship of Andrada to unify the population.[1]

In c.181, the Hegemony sent now-Admiral Andrada to the independent Askonia Star System to intervene against the system potentially joining the Persean League. The moon Opis, capital and population center of the Askonia polity, was then destroyed by a planetkiller, with Andrada and various rebel factions exchanging accusations of blame for the atrocity, while others alleged the work of outside agents. The Hegemony executive council deemed the admiral's actions erratic and ill-judged and issued a recall order, which he ignored, declaring it "weak-willed treason".

The Hegemony intervention fleet was split by a mutiny, with forces loyal to Andrada eventually triumphing, seizing the system and establishing the Sindrian Diktat, a totalitarian state centered on a personality cult of the Supreme Executor. The new polity created the Lion's Guard, Andrada's personal military force with officers selected for loyalty and doctrinal purity over other considerations and provided with advanced weapons technology.[2]

As of c.206, Andrada appears to be in a coma, leaving a power vacuum to be potentially filled by the regular navy's Deputy Star Marshal Oxana Hyder, Guard High Deputy Executor Horacio Caden, and/or Chief High Inspector-General Dolos Macario of the internal security services.[3]


  1. Spelled with two 'l's on the character's name field and in "A True and Accurate History of the Persean Sector"; spelled with one 'l' in all other ingame uses.
