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Standard starship fuel on which interstellar civilization relies. Composed of anti-matter trapped in fullerene shells mixed in a semi-stable foam with heavy isotopes of hydrogen. Fairly safe.

–In-Game Description

Fuel is an important resource required for hyperspace travel, entering hyperspace, using the Emergency Burn & Transverse Jump abilities, as well as orbital bombardments.

Fuel is not consumed when stationary in hyperspace. Fuel consumption does not increase with burn speeds exceeding 20 burn, although this is not normally achievable outside of Hyperspace Storm Surfing, a slipstream, or generating your own slipstream.

Running out of fuel in hyperspace results in the fleet being rendered immobile, as it is slowly pulled into the nearest gravity well. Ships can be scuttled as an emergency measure to recover fuel equal to their monthly supply cost.

Fuel can be produced and is also required as an input commodity for some industries in a colony.

Produced by:

Demanded by:

Fuel has a base market value of 25¢.

Each unit of demand contributes 750¢ to its global market value, and has an initial global market value of 170,000+¢.


Fuel can be purchased at markets or player colonies, salvaged from enemies after a battle, and (in small amounts) by scuttling an unwanted ship.

With larger player fleets, normal markets will not have adequate fuel stocked for more than a temporary refill. Larger amounts of fuel can be obtained from the five core-world markets with Fuel Production, or to a lesser extent Military Base (which also stocks supplies).

Locations of Fuel Production:

At player colonies, building a Waystation will stockpile large amounts of fuel and supplies.

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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.