Emergency Burn

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Emergency burn.png
Increases the maximum burn level by 8. Reduces sensor range by 50% and increases the range at which the fleet can be detected by 50%.

Consumes 1ly fuel and reduces combat readiness of all ships, costing up to 25% of fleet deployment supplies to recover. Also prevents combat readiness recovery while active.

–In-Game Description

Briefly boost burn level at the cost of fuel and combat readiness.

Available by default


  • Increases sensor profile and reduces range.
  • Disabled if any ships in fleet have insufficient CR. Commonly because they are mothballed or in a big fleet that has suffered a hyperspace storm strike.
  • Costs 25% of fleet deployment costs per use and prevents CR recovery.
  • Used for a brief burst of speed for escape or pursuit of enemy fleets.
  • Unique & powerful uses near movement hampering terrain as Emergency Burn completely ignores most terrain movement modifiers. This is of particular use when navigating close to a sun's corona, pushing through a pulsar beam or hyperspace storms, and escaping the perils of a Black Hole's event horizon.
  • Containment Procedures negates the CR reduction (and by extension, the supply cost), but not the fuel cost associated with activation.

Change History


  • Reduced supply cost by half (was: 50% of total deployment cost of fleet, now 25%)
  • Burn bonus increased to +8 (was: +5)
Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.