Generate Slipsurge

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Overload and modulate the fleet's drive field to induce an extremely powerful, short-duration slipstream flowing away from the nearest gravity well, its strength and availability based on the stellar object's mass, density, and some other poorly-understood factors. Largely ineffective inside abyssal hyperspace.

A stronger surge can allow the fleet to rapidly travel up to 15 light-years. Attempting to move slowly during the transit will decelerate the fleet quickly. Fleet sensor range is reduced by 90% during the transit.

Consumes 5ly fuel and reduces the combat readiness of all ships, costing up to 25% of fleet deployment supplies to recover.

–In-Game Description

A partly formed slipsurge near a black hole

Generate Slipsurge is an ability that creates a small but extremely powerful slipstream to 'launch' the player fleet in a desired direction. It is acquired by reaching 700 points of Hyperspace Topography.

On activation, the ability consumes combat readiness equal to 25% of each ship's deployment cost, and 5 light year's worth of fuel. The slipsurge is generated on the other side of the player fleet from the star.

Slipsurges can only be created near certain star types, with higher-gravity stars giving a longer, stronger surge.

Star type Strength multiplier[1]
Black hole 1.0
Neutron star 0.9
Blue or red supergiant 0.8
Blue, red or orange giant 0.6


  1., Starsector API.

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.