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Industries are buildable colony structures on player and AI owned colonies. The economy for the whole starsector is based on industry production, market shares & simulated trade. Upgraded player colonies or AI colonies will provide a market to buy and sell goods.

The player can build industries on their colonies for credits. A size 3 colony will allow 1 industry to be built. Larger colonies get more build slots, up to 4 slots at colony size 6.

Structures does not produce resources aside from Crews, but it doesn't require an industry slot so you can build all of them on a single Colony.

For more information on colonies, see Colony.

Build Order

This flowchart details the requirements and production of industries (Version 0.95)

A newly establish colony can only house a single industry, and different planet types suit different industries. To produce a self-sufficient economy within your faction requires multiple colonies, so choosing which industries go on which planets and in what order you develop can make a big difference.

There is no too wrong planet to colonize or industry to construct as you get started with colony management, but prioritizing a balance of base resources & lower hazard rating will often yield higher profits and lay a foundation for future advanced & more expensive industries.

All colonies also benefit from supporting Structures:

These structures depend on Fuel Production & Heavy Industry outputs, however, it is recommended to build these 2 industries later on because:

  • These industries have a high upfront cost to build.
  • While a profit can be made, it's also balanced against a very high upkeep cost.
    • While the upkeep cost can be lowered by having more in player faction trade, this would require setting up other industries first.
  • These industries aren't well-suited on habitable worlds.
  • Lastly, they can also attract some Unwanted Attention.

As such, it is recommended to avoid building these industries at the beginning until the player's colonies has matured a bit more to support them.

First Industry

The 2 best industries to first build are Farming (or Aquaculture) & Mining, as both have low upkeep cost and have lucrative global market to be tapped into, though the former is generally better. Refining can also be built due to having a low upkeep cost, but it has a far more expensive upfront cost and a more competitive global market.


A Farming (or Aquaculture) industry can be established on most habitable worlds as your first industry since it is very lucrative (food has the second biggest global market), has the lowest base upkeep cost, requires very little imports (only heavy machinery) and can cover all food demand from Population & Infrastructure for all the player's colonies.

Also keep in mind whether or not the habitable world possess Rare Ore Deposits or Volatiles Reserves as it will prevent the use of Soil Nanites, but can also potentially offer Mining as a the next industry for the colony.

However, caution should be taken when colonizing habitable words, as the typically lower hazard ratings & growth bonuses can attract Unwanted Attention as the colony grows bigger.


A Mining industry on the other hand can be established on almost every planet type, the decision of which can have significant impact. Generally speaking, one should always avoid colonizing planets (with the intent of building a Mining industry) that possess only 1 mineable resource with some exception.

Here's a list of potential candidates for a Mining industry and the reasoning behind it:


Main article: Colony#Stability

Industries & Structures offers a multitude of methods to improve your colony's stability or to address recent events.

The following Industry/Structure provides stability (assuming the demands are met):

If one of your colony has faced Recent Unrest, the colony can be stabilized with the stabilize button or by spending SP into Population and Infrastructure.

Main article: Colony#Colony_Defenses

Ground & Space defenses are like a bullet-proof vest, it doesn't necessarily prevent a person from being shot, but it can make it less painful in face of Colony Threats.

Planetary defenses like Ground Defense or Orbital Stations can mitigate unrest penalties and make raids against player colonies more difficult.

Space defenses are generally more expensive and have higher demands, but serves a power projection beyond a planet. While these fleets rarely are able to defeat significant threats on their own, they can help maintain hold over system objectives or slow down threats to buy time for the player to prepare.


Colony commodities demands are basically free, assuming that the colony has sufficient accessibility to import all the needed units. However, it is much more ideal to have the demands be supplied internally by the player's faction, as each commodity supplied internally will contribute a small upkeep reduction, going all the way up to 50%.

Colony income/profitability will vary greatly as it's influenced by these factors:

  • The commodity being produced.
    • For example, Food is far more profitable than Domestic Goods & Luxury Goods combined, this is due to food having a far bigger global market value than domestic goods & luxury goods combined.
  • The amount of units being produced, which can be increased in a multitude of ways.
  • The accessibility of the colony in question.
    • If the accessibility is too low, then the colony may not even be able to export all of the units that it's producing.
    • They higher the accessibility rating, the bigger the impact the colony has on its global market share, which in turn increases the income from exports.
  • The upkeep cost of the industry producing the commodity.
    • For example, while Heavy Industry & Fuel Production can both be profitable, the upkeep cost of these industries does require having better accessibility and increased unit production from their special items to reach this point.
  • Whether or not a Commerce exists.
    • The Commerce industry is incredibly important as it's basically an income multiplier that gives an initial multiplier of 1.25x, and with all the possible improvements, can give a 2.25x multiplier on total income.
    • As an example of how incredible this is, Population & Infrastructure unconditionally gives 10,000¢ * (size -2) in income, so a size 6 colony with a fully improved Commerce will post this income from 40,000¢ to 90,000¢.

A community member has made a beautiful profit calculator. It's a static web page that allows you to open a Starsector save file and browse to profitable colonies. See Persean Commercial Realty Group.

Industry List

Industry List
Image Name Cost / Time Base Upkeep Production Demands Notes
Population high.png Population & Infrastructure N/A (Size - 2) * 1,500¢ (Size - 2) * 10,000¢

Crew: [Size - 3]

Recreational Drugs: [Size - 4]

Harvested Organs: [Size - 5]

Food: [Size]

Domestic Goods: [Size - 1]

Luxury Goods: [Size - 3]

Recreational Drugs: [Size - 2]

Harvested Organs: [Size - 3]

Organics: [Size - 1] (if not habitable)

Present on all colonies

Doesn't counts toward industry limit

Farming.png Farming 75,000¢

60 days

(Size - 2) * 500¢ Food: [Size] Heavy Machinery: [Size - 3]
Aquaculture industry.png Aquaculture 250,000¢

60 days

(Size - 2) * 1,500¢ Food: [Size] Heavy Machinery: [Size] Exclusive to Water planets.
Mining.png Mining 100,000¢

60 days

(Size - 2) * 1,000¢ Organics: [Size]

Ore: [Size]

Transplutonic Ore: [Size - 2]

Volatiles: [Size - 2]

Heavy Machinery: [Size - 3]

Recreational Drugs: [Size]

Resources only produced if present on planet
Techmining.png Tech-Mining 150,000¢

45 days

(Ruin size) * 500¢ Fuel, Supplies, Weapons, and Blueprints None Production Diminishes after some times

Resources are sent to the gathering point (see Tech-Mining for details)

Refining.png Refining 225,000¢

90 days

(Size - 2) * 1,500¢ Metals: [Size]

Transplutonics: [Size - 2]

Heavy Machinery: [Size - 2]

Ore: [Size + 2]

Transplutonic Ore: [Size]

Light industry.png Light Industry 225,000¢

90 days

(Size - 2) * 4,000¢ Domestic Goods: [Size]

Luxury Goods: [Size - 2]

Recreational Drugs: [Size - 2]

Organics: [Size] Recreational Drugs only produced if colony is a Free Port
Heavy industry.png Heavy Industry 500,000¢

120 days

(Size - 2) * 6,000¢ Heavy Machinery: [Size - 2]

Supplies: [Size - 2]

Heavy Armaments: [Size - 2]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size - 2]

Metals: [Size]

Transplutonics: [Size - 2]

Allow usage of Doctrine Fleet

Removes Cross-faction imports debuff (-25% ship quality)

Orbital works.png Orbital Works 300,000¢

150 days

(Size - 2) * 6,000¢ Heavy Machinery: [Size - 2]

Supplies: [Size - 2]

Heavy Armaments: [Size - 2]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size - 2]

Metals: [Size]

Transplutonics: [Size - 2]

Provides faction ships with +20% quality

Upgraded from Heavy Industry

Fuel production.png Fuel Production 450,000¢

120 days

(Size - 2) * 5,000¢ Fuel: [Size - 2] Volatiles: [Size]
Commerce.png Commerce 450,000¢

90 days

(Size - 2) * 1,500¢ +25% Colony Income None -3 stability

Allow buying/selling In-colony

Military base industry.png Military Base 450,000¢

120 days

(Size - 2) * 5,000¢ Crew: [Size]

Marines: [Size]

Fuel: [Size + 1]

Supplies: [Size + 1]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size + 1]

+2 stability

x1.2 Ground Defences

Patrols: See Military Base

Upgraded from Patrol HQ

High command.png High Command 150,000¢

120 days

(Size - 2) * 7,000¢ Crew: [Size]

Marines: [Size]

Fuel: [Size + 2]

Supplies: [Size + 2]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size + 2]

+2 stability

x1.3 Ground Defences

Patrols: see High Command

Upgraded from Military Base

Structures List

Structures List
Image Name Cost / Time Base Upkeep Production / Effect Demands Notes
Spaceport industry.png Spaceport 50,000¢

15 days

(Size - 2) * 1,500¢ Accessibility +50%

Population growth +2

Crew: [Size - 1]

Fuel: [Size - 2]

Supplies: [Size - 2]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size - 2]

Built Automatically
Megaport.png Megaport 300,000¢

150 days

(Size - 2) * 2,000¢ Accessibility +80%

Population growth +(colony size)

Crew: [Size + 2]

Fuel: [Size]

Supplies: [Size]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size]

Upgraded from Spaceport
Waystation.png Waystation 100,000¢

60 days

(Size - 2) * 1,000¢ Accessibility +10%

Supplied demand goes into colony stockpile

Fuel: [Size]

Supplies: [Size]

Crew: [Size]

Volatiles: [1]

Transplutonics: [1]

Ground defenses.png Ground Defenses 150,000¢

60 days

(Size - 2) * 1,000¢ +1 stability

x2 ground defenses

Supplies: [Size]

Marines: [Size]

Heavy Armaments: [Size - 2]

Heavy batteries.png Heavy Batteries 300,000¢

90 days

(Size - 2) * 1,500¢ +1 stability

x3 ground defenses

Supplies: [Size]

Marines: [Size]

Heavy Armaments: [Size - 2]

Upgraded from Ground Defences
Patrol hq.png Patrol HQ 300,000¢

60 days

4,000¢ +1 stability

2x light patrol fleet

Crew: [Size]

Fuel: [Size]

Supplies: [Size]

Ship Hulls & Weapons: [Size]

Orbital station.png Orbital Station 150,000¢

90 days

1,500¢ +1 stability

x1.5 Ground Defense

50% Station CR

Supplies: 3

Crew: 3

Choices between:

Low Tech, Midline, and High Tech

Battlestation.png Battle Station 500,000¢

120 days

6,000¢ +2 stability

x2 Ground Defense

75% Station CR

Supplies: 5

Crew: 5

Upgraded from Orbital Station
Battlestation.png Star Fortress 1,000,000¢

180 days

12,500¢ +3 stability

x3 Ground Defense

100% Station CR

Supplies: 7

Crew: 7

Upgraded from Battlestation
Cryorevival.png Cryorevival Facility 300,000¢

60 days

(Size - 2) * 2,500¢ Increase population growth by (colony size * 10) Organics: 10 Needs to be within 10ly of a Domain-era Cryosleeper
Planetary shield.png Planetary Shield 750,000¢

90 days

4,500¢ x3 Ground Defense Blueprint gained from Story Mission

Colony Upgrades

There are several ways to improve your colony further:


The player can administer colonies, and will do so unless another is selected. If only one colonies are administered directly they recieve a +2 Stability bonus. Every colony past the second applies -2 Stability to all colonies instead. If the Industrial Planning skill is taken all structures will have +1 Production.

A Hired Adminstrator can manage your colony for you. Up to three can be hired and they can also have the Industrial Planning skill. The salary is 2,500¢ for a regular administrators or 20,000¢ for a skilled one. There is a hiring fee of twice their salary, and their salary when not assigned to a colony is only 10% the normal rate.

An Alpha-level AI Core can also run a colony. An AI core has no Salary, has the Industrial Planning skill, and also has the unique Hypercognition skill that provides +10% Accessibility, +20% Fleet Size, +50% Ground Defences, and +1 Stability. They are illegal to use, however, and will attract Unwanted Attention.


It costs SP 0% XP to improve a structure the first time, and double that for each subsequent improvement. What the improvement is depends on the structure, as seen in the table below.

Due to the fact that each improvement increases the cost of subsequent improvement, story point improvements should be used sparingly, as such, it is not recommended to use them to increase unit production, but instead for more unique effects like the Commerce.

AI Cores

AI Cores can be installed on industry buildings.

Installable Modules

Installable addons are Special Items that can be found and applied to colony structures. Each Module is unique and has it's own requirements, found in a table below. Modules can be obtained when searching Equipment Caches and the like, or from Tech-Mining Ruins. Some modules can also be stolen from other faction's colony during raids although the economic balance of the sector is highly dependent on thse domain-era artifacts.

Note that all of these items when used will raise Pather interest by 4 (except for Hypershunt Tap which will raise it by 8).

Installable Module Requirements & Effects
Image Name Value Installed on Requirements Effects
Terraforming bore.png Autonomous Mantle Bore 80,000¢ Mining Not Gas Giant

Not Habitable

+3 Production on all except for Volatiles
Biofactory embryo.png Biofactory Embryo 120,000¢ Light Industry Habitable +2 Production
Catalytic core.png Catalytic Core 100,000¢ Refining No Atmosphere +3 Production
Combat drone replicator.png Combat Drone Replicator 60,000¢ Ground Defences

Heavy Batteries

- x1.5 Ground Defense
Nanoforge corrupted.png Corrupted Nanoforge 50,000¢ Heavy Industry

Orbital Works

- +1 Production

+20% Fleet Quality

Pollution (+25% Hazard Rating) on Habitable Planets (Permanent)

Cryoarithmetic engine.png Cryoarithmetic Engine 200,000¢ Patrol HQ

Military Base

High Command

Hot or Extreme Heat Planet +25% Fleet Size on Hot

+100% Fleet Size on Extreme Heat

Holosuite.png Dealmaker Holosuite 120,000¢ Commerce - +50% Colony Income
Fullerene spool.png Fullerene Spool 150,000¢ Spaceport/Megaport Not Gas / Ice Giant

No Extreme Weather

No Extreme Tectonic Activity

+30% Accessibility
Hypershunt tap.png Hypershunt Tap 300,000¢ Population & Infrastructure 10 Light-year (max) from a Coronal Hypershunt +1 Industry Limit

+10 Transplutonics Demand

Fusion lamp.png Orbital Fusion Lamp 150,000¢ Population & Infrastructure - Mitigate Hazard Penalty the following features:

Cold, Extreme Cold, Poor Light, and Darkness

+10 Volatiles Demand

Plasma dynamo.png Plasma Dynamo 100,000¢ Mining Gas / Ice Giant +3 Production on Volatiles
Nanoforge pristine.png Pristine Nanoforge 250,000¢ Heavy Industry

Orbital Works

- +3 Production

+50% Fleet Quality

Pollution (+25% Hazard Rating) on Habitable Planets (Permanent)

Soil nanites.png Soil Nanites 60,000¢ Farming No Volatiles deposit

No Transplutonic deposit

+2 Production
Synchrotron core.png Synchrotron Core 250,000¢ Fuel Production No Atmosphere +3 Production

Table of Improvements Effects

Table of Improvements Effects
Image Colony Building Addon Effect SP Improvement Effect Alpha Core Effect
Commerce.png Commerce +50% Colony Income +25% Colony Income +25% Colony Income
Spaceport industry.png




+30% Accessibility +20% Accessibility +20% Accessibility
Waystation.png Waystation - +20% Accessibility Greatly increases Waystation stockpiles
Orbital station.png


Orbital Station


Star Fortress

- +1 Stability Increases station combat effectiveness

(Station gets a level 20 AI officer)

Ground defenses.png

Heavy batteries.png

Ground Defenses

Heavy Batteries

x1.5 Ground Defence x1.25 Ground Defence x1.5 Ground Defence
Planetary shield.png Planetary Shield -
Patrol hq.png Patrol HQ +25% Fleet Size (Hot)

+100% Fleet Size (Extreme Heat)

+1 Medium Patrol Increases fleet size by 1.25x
Military base industry.png

High command.png

Military Base

High Command

+1 Heavy Patrol
Cryorevival.png Cryorevival Facility - Doubles population growth bonus Doubles population growth bonus
Aquaculture industry.png Aquaculture - +1 Production +1 Production
Farming.png Farming +2 Production
Light industry.png Light Industry
Refining.png Refining +3 Production
Fuel production.png Fuel Production
Heavy industry.png

Orbital works.png

Heavy Industry

Orbital Works

Mining.png Mining +3 Production (non-volatile)
Population high.png Population & Infrastructure Varies (See above) +1 Stability
Techmining.png Tech-Mining - Improved findings from Ruins Improved findings from Ruins

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.