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Various food products, preserved and packaged for export. Guaranteed shelf-life no less than five Domain-standard years.

–In-Game Description

Food is produced from farmland, which appears on most habitable planet types: Arid, Jungle, Tundra, Terran Eccentric and Terran planets; it can also appear on Desert planets, though is not guaranteed.

Though Water planets hold the habitable condition, farmland is not found there. Instead, the unique Aquaculture industry can be built for the water-covered surface market condition, allowing food to be produced.

No non-habitable planet types can host farmland.


Food is a common product with a base market value of 20¢.

Each unit of demand contributes 1,000¢ to its global market value and has an initial global market value of 250,000+¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market.

Colony & Industry

Food is produced by:

And is demanded by:

Food shortages will also reduce the stability of a market by 1 for every unit missing.

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.