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Commodities are goods such as supplies, food, fuel and machinery produced by markets for local use and/or to trade to other markets.

Commodities have different prices depending on the local supply and demand, the stability of the market, and any ongoing trade disruptions.

Commodities List
Icon Commodity Base Price
Supplies.png Supplies 100¢
Fuel.png Fuel 25¢
Crew02.png Crew 50¢
Marine.png Marines 200¢
Food.png Food 20¢
Ore.png Ore 10¢
Materials.png Metals 30¢
Rareore.png Transplutonic Ore 75¢
Raremetals.png Transplutonics 200¢
Organics.png Organics 30¢
VolatilesB.png Volatiles 250¢
Goods.png Domestic Goods 50¢
Luxurygoods.png Luxury Goods 100¢
Heavymachinery.png Heavy Machinery 150¢
Heavyweapons.png Heavy Armaments 500¢
Recdrugs.png Recreational Drugs 200¢
Organs.png Harvested Organs 300¢
Lobster.png Volturnian Lobster 100¢
Hound base.png Ship Hulls & Weapons -
Ai core gamma.png AI Cores -
Survey data1.png Survey Data -