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Rare isotopes of lighter elements - such as deuterium - with critical applications in fuel production and other advanced industrial processes.

–In-Game Description

Volatiles are a moderately rare commodity found primarily on Gas and Ice Giants in a wide range of abundance.

They are additionally often found on Frozen, Toxic, and Cryovolcanic planets, and very rarely on Tundra worlds.

Volatiles are also consumed by the Neutrino Detector fleet ability, at a rate of 1 unit per day while the ability is active.

3 volatiles can also be consumed when interacting with a sensor array, giving the player points for Hyperspace Topography.


Volatiles has a base market value of 250¢.

Each unit of demand contributes 5,000¢ to its global market value, and has a initial global market value of 125,000¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market.

Colony & Industry

They are extracted by:

And are demanded by:

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.