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Size 3 & 4
Size 5+
Metal and metalloid ores, organics, and volatile compounds all require heavy equipment, special infrastructure, and a skilled workforce to extract. The harsh work attracts a certain type, and an administration that's not willing to look the other way now and again may find itself running short of willing personnel.

–In-game description

Mining is an industry. It can be built on any Colony with access to at least one deposit of Ore, Transplutonic Ore, Volatiles, or Organics.


Mining costs 100,000¢ to build and has a build time of 60 days.

It will refund 75,000¢ when shut down.


Mining has a base upkeep of 1,000¢ * (colony size - 2).


Mining increases Pather interest by 1.


Based on available resources, Mining can produce the following commodities:


Mining demands the following commodities:

A shortage of Recreational Drugs will reduce the colony's growth point total by an amount equal to the shortage.

AI Core

Mining receives the following perks from the assignment of an AI Core:

Additional Buffs

In addition to Alpha Cores, an Autonomous Mantle Bore can be installed on non-gas giant, non-habitable planets to increase Ore, Transplutonic Ore, and Organics production by +3.

Likewise a Plasma Dynamo can be installed on a gas giant to increase Volatiles production by +3.

Both of these will increase Pather interest by 4, which combined with Mining's increase will result in a sum of 5 Pather interest.

You can also invest Story Points once per Mine to increase production by +1.


  • Mining's illustration changes based on the colony size, with one denoting a colony of sizes 3 or 4, and one a colony of size 5 and above.

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.