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Regulations, grants, and infrastructure to encourage thriving independent trade.

–In-game description

Commerce is an industry. It can be built at any Colony that has a Spaceport.


Commerce costs 450,000¢ to build and has a build time of 90 days.

It will refund 337,500¢ when shut down.


Commerce has a base upkeep of 1,500¢ * (colony size - 2).


Creates an Independent Open Market on the colony. The market will sell commodities the colony produces or demands, as well as ships and weapons the player has blueprint of, if they have a Heavy Industry. This market will also charge 30% tariffs as normal.

Adds an independent Open Market that the colony's owner is able to trade with.

–In-Game description

The Independents will also put up a long-term system bounty of 500¢ per frigate if there's sufficient hostile activity around the colony.


Commerce does not produce any commodities.


Commerce does not demand any commodities.

AI Cores

Commerce receives the following perks from the assignment of an AI Core:

Additional Buffs

In addition to Alpha Cores, Dealmaker Holosuite can be installed, which will increase income by an additional 50% and increase Pather interest by 4.

You can also invest Story Points once per Commerce to income by an additional 25%.

It's generally recommended to spend your first Story Points on the improvements for the Commerce as it functions as a flat multiplier for your income.

A fully upgraded Commerce will increase the income of the colony by 125%, or a x2.25 multiplier. For illustration, for a size 6 colony, this will increase the local income from Population & Infrastructure to be 90,000¢ from a base of 40,000¢.

Change History


  • Base income bonus reduced from 50% to 25%. [Source]


  • Increases colony income by 50%, up to 100% with Alpha Core and improvements 
  • Reduces stability by 3


  • Added to the game
Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.