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Includes ores of both ferrous and common non-ferrous metals. Must be refined to be of use to industry.

–In-Game Description

Ore is a common commodity that can be found on all planet types in the form of ore deposits, exception being Gas & Ice Giants.

It also has a chance to not appear for Desert, Arid, Jungle, Tundra, Water, Terran Eccentric and Terran.

Lastly, it is found in great abundance on Volcanic and Cryovolcanic planets.


Ore has a base market value of 10¢, though is typically brought & sold below this value.

Each unit of demand contributes 1,500¢ to its global market value, and has an initial global market value of 100,000+¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market.

Colony & Industry

It is extracted by:

And is demanded by:

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.