Heavy Machinery

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Various standardized modules for manipulating matter on an industrial scale. They accept manual input, most common design template formats, or can be slaved to network control.

–In-Game Description

Heavy Machinery is used to increase the success rate of Salvaging or required for Survey.

It is potentially consumed during accidents while performing planetary surveys and scavenging debris fields.

It is also consumed to reactivate (5) or build (15) system infrastructure, and 100 needs to be consumed to start a Colony.

Scuttled ships provide 1/2/3/4 heavy machinery per hull size


Heavy Machinery has a base market value of 150¢.

Each unit of demand contributes 500¢ to its global market value, and has an initial global market value of 60,000+¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market.

Colony & Industry

It is produced by:

It is demanded by:

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.