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Heavily armed and equipped with powered armor, marines specialize in planetside operations such as raids.

–In-Game Description

Marines are used to perform raid operations. Marines gain experience when used on raids, and combining higher-ranked marines with lower will even out the experience between them.

Marines benefit from the Leadership skill, "Tactical Drills", which grants them +50% effectiveness and -25% casualties in addition to providing the combat ships in your fleet with +5% damage.


Elite Marines.png

Marines gain experience when used on raids, and combining higher-ranked marines with lower will even out the experience between them.

Experienced marines have:

  • Increased effectiveness of ground operations, going up to +100%.
  • Reduced to marine casualties suffered during ground operations, going up to -50%.

Small groups of "Elite" Marines with +100% combat effectiveness and -50% casualties can be purchased on occasion from bars. A cunning player could deposit elite marines in a safe storage location, withdrawing the large amount at once when the time comes to begin raiding. Avoid combining them with other, lower-ranked marines, as their experience will be shared with the lower-ranked troops, de-ranking them (unless, of course, that's what you want).


Regular marines - tough, component, disciplined.

–In-Game Description

  • Combat Effectivessness: +0% to +25%
  • Casualty Reduction: -0% to -12.5%


You've led these marines on several operations, and the experience gained by both parties is beginning to show concrete benefits.

–In-Game Description

  • Combat Effectivessness: +25% to +50%
  • Casualty Reduction: -12.5% to -25%


These marines are veterans of many ground operations under your leadership: the command structure is well established & highly effective.

–In-Game Description

  • Combat Effectivessness: +50% to +75%
  • Casualty Reduction: -25% to -37.5%


These marines are an elite force, equipped, led, and motivated well above the standards of even the professional militaries of the Sector.

–In-Game Description

  • Combat Effectivessness: +75% to +100%
  • Casualty Reduction: -37.5% to -50%


Marines has a base market price of 200¢, and do not have a global market value like most other commodities.

Each Marine have a monthly salary of 20¢, failure to pay this may see some marines leave at the next market that the player fleet docks at.

Colony & Industry

Marines are produced by:

And are demanded by:

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.