Assorted supplies required by ships and crew, ranging from rations and uniforms to munitions, spare parts, microfab feedstock, and prefab components. | ||
–In-Game Description |
Supplies are a vital resource demanded throughout the sector. They are sold on nearly every market, and most-all activies will reward or consume supplies.
Supplies are consumed by various different activies throughout the game.
Maintenance is one of the most common ways a fleet will consume supplies. Every ship consumes a set amount of supplies over each in-game month. This amount varies based on the vessel, and can be decreased by the Efficiency Overhaul hullmod and Fleet Logistics skill, with the potential to be decreased with the skill Field Repairs. Maintenance can also increase with the Increased Maintenance damage hullmod.
Combat Readiness
- Main article: Combat Readiness
Various tasks and occurances throughout the sector reduce a ship's Combat Readiness (CR). To replenish this stat, supplies are either consumed from the fleet over-time whilst in space or immediately when repaired at a shipyard. The amount of supplies taken to replenish CR is based on the vessel, and the speed at which it is replenished can be increased by the Efficiency Overhaul hullmod, though the supplies consumed cannot be decreased or increased.
The consumption of supplies to replenish CR can be halted in the Fleet menu, via the 'Suspend all repairs' button. In exchange, all vessel's CR will stop recovering until reenabled with the 'Resume all repairs' button. Mothballed ships will also not attempt to replenish their CR, and thus do not consume supplies on repair.
Conversely, a complete lack of supplies within the fleet will cause CR to drain instead.
Combat is an activity that consumes a moderate amount of supplies from the fleet. Deploying ships into combat incurs a Recovery Cost in supplies taken after the engagement, which varies based on the ship and is reduced by Damage hullmods. Combat also indirectly consumes supplies via Combat Readiness, which decreases the longer a vessel is engaged in combat.
Various industries found on Colonies consume supplies in order to function. This demand is often filled via Trade Convoys untaken by AI fleets, whether from the colonies' faction or other factions, though it may be necessary for supplies from the colonies' stockpile to be consumed, which can be directly contributed to from the fleet. The number of supplies consumed can vary wildly based on a number of factors, including colony size, the type of industry, and AI Cores in use.
Supplies have a market value of 100¢.
Each unit of demand contributes 250¢ to its global market value, and has an initial global market value of 65,000+¢, though it can vary depending on the accessibility of each market.
Supplies are produced by:
- Heavy Industry / Orbital Works: size - 2
- +1 with a Corrupted Nanoforge / +3 with a Pristine Nanoforge
The following industries consume supplies to operate:
- Ground Defenses / Heavy Batteries: size
- Spaceport: size - 2 / Megaport: size
- Orbital Station: 3 / Battlestation: 5 / Star Fortress: 7
- Patrol HQ: size - 1 / Military Base: size + 1 / High Command: size + 2
- Population & Infrastructure: 2
- Waystation: size
The establishment of a colony also requires 200 supplies from the fleet.
- Main article: Survey
Planetary Surveys require supplies to be undertaken. The amount of supplies demanded varies based on the planet's difficulty, which is determined by its size and hazard rating. The amount of supplies consumed can be decreased to a minimum of 5 using the Surveying Equipment hullmod.
- Main article: Salvaging
Salvaging does not always consume supplies, however the operation will occasionally suffer an accident which has a chance of consuming a random amount of supplies, as well as the potential loss of Heavy Machinery and Crew casualties. The chance of this occuring is stated before the salvage operation takes place, and accidents may only consume one of the other two components.
Excess Cargo
If the fleet is holding more cargo, fuel, or crew/marines than it has capacity for, it will begin to suffer an over capacity penalty. This is equal to 0.1 supplies per day for each unit of excess the fleet is carrying. For instance, carrying 110 crew with a capacity of 100 crew will penalise the fleet with an increase of 1 supply per day, equal to 10 crew multiplied by 0.1 supplies.
Supplies can be acquired through various methods, with a financial investment generally required.
Markets in the sector sell supplies at almost all times, with a base price of 100 credits. Every market will steadily replenish their stock of supplies over time either through local production or via imports through trade convoys, the latter of which can be interrupted by pirate, terrorist, wartime, or player activity.
With larger player fleets, normal markets will not have adequate supplies stocked for more than a temporary refill. Larger amount of supplies can be obtained from markets with a Heavy Industry, Orbital Works, or to a lesser extent Military Base (which also stocks fuel).
Locations of heavy industry in the Sector:
- Chicomoztoc (Hegemony, Aztlan system)
- Raesvelg (Hegemony, Valhalla system)
- Kazeron (Persean League, Thule system)
- Sindria (Sindrian Diktat, Askonia system)
- Culann (Tri-Tachyon, Hybrasil system)
- Asher (Luddic Church, Canaan system)
- Kapetyn Starworks (pirates, Isirah system)
- Nova Maxios (independents, Magec system)
Persean League-controlled bars sometimes have port authority employees willing to sell you misappropriated supplies duty-free and below market value (around ¢70 per unit).
- Main article: Salvaging
Salvaging rewards the salvager with supplies, amongst other materials. The amount varies based on what is being salvaged and can also be modified by the player's Salvaging skill and the Salvage Gantry hullmod, as well as other factors such as the fleet's supply of Heavy Machinery, crew numbers, and the density of the salvage if a debris field.
After defeating an opposing fleet in battle, the player will also have a chance to salvage the remains of the enemy fleet directly. This is affected differently by modifiers compared to normal salvaging; the Salvage Gantry only has 20% effectiveness, and only Salvaging level 3 has any effect.
Colonies can produce supplies of their own using certain industries. These industries will often send their supplies to other industries, whether within the same colony or between other colonies belonging to the same faction, and extra supplies that are not needed in-faction are exported. In the rare case of excess supplies being left over, these supplies will be put into the colonies' stockpile, where they can be taken by the fleet at the base cost of 100¢ credits which will be deducted from that colonies' income at the end of the month.
A Waystation stockpiles large amounts of supplies and fuel.
Heavy Industry / Orbital Works industry produces supplies (size - 2).
Supplies can also be purchased normally from a colony if the Commerce industry is built. This functions the same as a Market, including tariffs for legal trade.
An emergency option, Scuttling allows players to destroy their ships to reclaim some materials from the hull, including a single months worth of maintenance supplies.
Commodities | |
Normal | Supplies • Fuel • Crew • Marines • Food • Ore • Metals • Transplutonic Ore • Transplutonics • Organics • Volatiles • Domestic Goods • Luxury Goods • Heavy Machinery • Heavy Armaments • Recreational Drugs • Harvested Organs |
Special |