Survey Data

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This TriPad contains a recent survey database which holds information on the economic, industrial, and strategic qualities of a celestial object organized according to the traditional guidelines of the Domain Colonial Ministry. Surveys such as this are an essential element of sucessful military operations, colonization efforts, and corporate ventures.

–General In-Game Description

Survey Data is a special commodity obtained by surveying uninhabited planets. It comes in five classes of increasing value, depending on what the survey finds.

Currently the only use of survey data is to be sold at markets for credits. Survey data can be sold even if the player has already colonized the relevant planet.

Survey classes
Icon Class Base value (credits) Ingame description
Survey data1.png I 1,000¢ The data contained herein is entirely unremarkable. 'Just another rock', as they say.
Survey data2.png II 3,000¢ The data contained herein is unexceptional.
Survey data3.png III 5,000¢ This survey data describes a world useful for human exploitation and will sell for a good price.
Survey data4.png IV 10,000¢ This survey data describes a world that scores high on the standard feasibility chart. It will prove quite valuable if sold to the right party.
Survey data5.png V 30,000¢ This data describes an exceptional world and will be of great value to any of the major factions in the Sector.

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.