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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.

The Colossus is a sturdy and venerable hull well-suited to conditions in the post-Collapse Sector, albeit possessing primitive accommodations and limited defensive armament.

Before it was outmatched by the brutal economic efficiency of the Atlas superfreighter, the Colossus heavy freighter formed the core of Domain frontier supply fleets. Thicker than strictly necessary hull plating provides protection against cosmic hazards both natural and human.

–In-game description

A Cruiser-sized Cargo Freighter of Low Tech design, the Colossus is a ship commonly seen all throughout the Sector.


The Colossus is a ubiquitous heavy freighter, usually encountered as a part of a faction trade convoy. Compared to many of the smaller cargo freighter ships in the game, the Colossus can provide ample amounts of cargo hold at a higher supply efficiency, but like its smaller brethren continues to suffer from slow speeds and maneuverability.

The Collossus' main defenses consist of 4 Small Ballistic turrets (front turrets at 140°, and rear turrets at 130°), its Front Shields that expand upwards to 150°, and the Flare Launcher ship system to distract missiles. As the ship is incredibly slow and unable to match even most Frigates on a firepower basis, it requires escort ships to ensure it is not destroyed.


Being common in the trade convoys of every faction, from the mighty Hegemony and Persean League, to the raiding Pirates and Luddic Path, it's simple to acquire a Colossus in the early game by defeating one such fleet and recovering the ship.

The Colossus is otherwise available at the open and black market of colonies of almost every faction, at a price of approximately 50 thousand credits. Hegemony worlds are a good place to start looking, and colonies of larger size are more likely to have this ship and others of such size available for purchase.

Lastly, it can be found and recovered as a derelict ship, like almost every other ship in the game.

Strategy and tips

Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.

The Colossus is suitable for a speed-oriented trade fleet that doesn't wish to stock up on Buffaloes or Hounds instead. With the Bulk Transport skill granting +2 to Civilian-grade Hull ships, an Augmented Drive Field hullmod which adds +2, and the Navigation skill adding another +1; the Colossus can be buffed upwards to 12 burn, letting even these seemingly slow and lumbering cargo ships accompany many much faster combat ships. Most fleets will thus be unable to catch you, making non-mission smuggling runs viable. Overall a solid choice for early-game trading and wealth-building.

It is still recommended to transition to the Atlas when going on surveying missions, or when the player wishes to utilize several Capital ships within their fleets.


  • Patch 0.95a: Colossus (all versions): increased fuel/ly to 4 (was: 3)
  • Patch 0.8.1a-RC5: 
    • Flux dissipation reduced from 150 to 100
    • Ordnance Points increased from 38 to 40
    • Built-in hullmod added Civilian-grade Hull
  • Patch 0.8a: Added to the game