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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.

An old but durable hull class that lacks a shield generator, this frigate is sometimes used to ferry cargo instead of for combat duty. A lucky or gifted officer could make his fortune given the chance to captain one.

–In-Game Description

A cheap and fragile Frigate, the Hound serves as a way to cheaply field more Medium Ballistic weapons on the field; though whenever it is worth it is another matter.


Strategy and tips

The Hound is a light, cheap tramp freighter with limited combat ability. It is extremely fast and maneuverable, which helps it to survive in combat despite its lack of a shield. If you still plan on using it in combat though, it is often best to outfit the ship with longer range support weapons such as the Hypervelocity Driver or Heavy Mauler, and point defenses to deter missile threats. Its low logistic demands encourage niche use of it, such as a fast pursuit ship against fleeing cargo ships. The Hound also has the infamous distinction of having the lowest deployment points cost of any combat ship as well as having enough OP to install an Operations Center hullmod, giving it a surprising niche as a flagship in very large fleets that want to issue a lot of orders.


  • Patch 0.95.1a: Added Rugged Construction built-in hullmod
  • Patch 0.9a: Increased OP by 5, from 33 to 38