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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.

A common freighter, found in convoys or alone, used to haul all manner of goods across the Sector. Has a single fighter bay to bolster defenses.

The design of the Gemini-class freighter is highly modular, enabling the ship to serve in a variety of roles in and out of combat. The entire cargo container is designed around a quick release mechanism which enables the main hull of the ship to quickly call to port, detach its full cargo section, and swap it for another Gemini-type container in the span of minutes. In addition, multiple medium weapon mounts make the Gemini a viable long-range fire support platform. The flight deck is tiny, originally envisioned for mining drone repair or hazardous mining operations. Modern use in the Sector extends flight deck facilities to all fighter types.

While impressive in a blueprint, the lack of empty, compatible Gemini-type containers in the Sector makes the actual usefulness of the quick-release mechanism negligible. The modularity, a great boon in times past, is also more prone to wear and tear, and is thus more expensive to maintain - most working examples of the mechanisms have been welded solid. Nonetheless, a decent overall profile, the flight deck, a flexible power core and good shields make the Gemini a good choice for cargo hauling, if the cost can be weathered.

–In-game description

A hybrid carrier and freighter ship, the Gemini is designed for multiple roles without specializing in anything.


Unlike the Mule, another hybrid combat/freighter ship, the Gemini's combat role mainly relies on its built-in fighter hanger and Medium weapon mounts to combat other enemy ships. Its Medium Ballistic mounts are also hampered by their arcs not interceding, meaning the Gemini is not as capable at fighting off enemy attackers as other ships.

Despite sporting two Medium Ballistic mounts and having a relatively efficient shield, the Gemini's very poor flux statistics means that any reasonable amount of firepower the Gemini can bring must be flux light or risk having a high chance of being overloaded. This means the Gemini's main source of firepower will come from its Medium Missiles and fighter wing.

Of special note is the Gemini's Reserve Deployment system temporarily gives it even better Deck/DP efficiency than the Condor.


Strategy and tips

Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.

Best used as a PD-focused carrier, this allows the Gemini to focus on its role as a backline missile carrier. Its Reserve Deployment can thus be used to buff any fighter wings sent out at twice the amount every so often.


  • Patch 0.96a: 
    • Removed built-in Civilian-grade Hull
    • Increased ordnance points to 85 (was: 75)
    • Increased top speed to 60 (was: 50)
    • Adjusted stock variant
  • Patch 0.95a: 
  • Added Civilian-grade hullmod (this is a situational buff)
  • Increased OP to 75 (was: 55)
  • Increased hull to 4500 (was: 3500)
  • AI now treats is as a combat ship rather than a carrier
  • Reclassified as "Combat Freighter"