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Although automated machines of war were forbidden in core Domain space, war drones were quietly employed outside of officially incorporated volume. Nothing like this, however, could possibly have been deployed by the Domain drone armadas.

There are elements of standard droneships within the hull structure, but they are covered by malevolently angled glacises and illogical tangles of conduit. Surely this monstrous vessel is the product of some deranged Domain naval architect, or a production chip corrupted by exposure to kilolights of faulty drive field?

–In-Game Description

The Guardian is a derelict battleship found defending various objects of interest. There are only three Guardians in the sector, one each for the two Domain-era Cryosleepers and one guarding a Wormhole Anchor in the Limbo star system. Like all Derelict and Remnant ships this ship is hidden in the Codex; unlike the others it cannot be obtained even with the Automated Ships Skill.


This ship has a little less armor than the Onslaught, but is faster, more maneuverable, has a much bigger flux capacity, and has more frontal weapon slots, which makes it capable of projecting a truly humongous amount of frontal firepower. It is also nearly as big as the Onslaught. The Guardian never deviates from its standard loadout when found defending a Domain-era Cryosleeper.


Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.

The main weak point of the Guardian is its little-defended (by comparison) rear section, which has a single large mount. A fast, maneuverable and heavily armed ship like an Aurora can get behind it and quickly disable its engines. If the Guardian is unable to aim its frontal guns at its enemies, it will be easy prey to a group of smaller ships and quickly destroyed.

A straight, head-on fight with an Onslaught or a Paragon will be devastating to a Guardian. An Onslaught's intense arsenal will quickly tear through a Guardian's armor and destroy it, while receiving little to no damage. And that's without mentioning how lethal an Astral can be to it.

Although it won't win in a straight fight with either of the above ships, the Guardian is still an extremely serious threat to all ships, being capable of quickly destroying them if they get too close, and with the enhanced range it has thanks to its Advanced Targeting Core, the Guardian can fire weapons like the Gauss Cannon at several thousand SUs of distance.

The Guardian is extremely fast and maneuverable for a ship of its size, and its Plasma Jets make it even more of a speed devil, fortunately, they have a relatively long cooldown of a little less than 10 seconds.

The Guardian has a final, nasty trick in its mechanical sleeves: It has an unique built-in hullmod version of the Missile Autoforge that allows it to passively regenerate its missile ammo at no cost, with no disadvantages. In other words, it will never permanently run out of ammo, allowing it to keep firing its missiles for the entire battle.

Trying to outlast a Guardian (keep fighting until its peak performance timer ends and its CR drops to zero) is not recommended. Due to how long it can maintain its peak performance, it is far more likely that the opposite will happen.



  • Added to the game.


  • Additional Guardians can now be spawned if the player accepts [REDACTED] bounty missions.
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At least two versions out of date. Last verified for version 0.95. Please refer to Version History and update this page.