Insulated Engine Assembly

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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.


Insulated Engine Assembly is a hullmod that can be installed on any ship.

This hullmod is a Logistics Hullmod. It impacts campaign layer fleet stats and can only be installed while at a dock. It can be removed at any time. Ships are limited to 2 such logistics hullmods at any one time. (S-mods do not count toward this 2 limit)



  • Available as a learnable modular hullmod
  • Often a key component of stealth based fleets, such as for smuggling or Piracy
  • Notable uses on high sensor profile ships with Civilian-grade Hull or Ox
  • On ships with Civilian-grade Hull it will completely negate the mod's sensor profile penalty

Tips and strategies

Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.