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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.

Hullmods are special modifications applied to ships. Hullmods can provide a variety of effects, ranging from simply increasing stats like armor or weapon range to completely overhauling how a ship functions. Some hullmods are inherent to a particular ship hull and cannot be added or removed, while others can be installed and uninstalled for an ordnance point cost.

See Category:Hullmods to see all available hullmods.


Empty Modspec
A collection of notes, guidelines, and practical examples that enable one to adapt and apply this modification to various hulls.

–In-Game Description

New hullmods can be obtained by using Modspecs that can be purchased at markets or found in salvage.

Modspecs that you already have unlocked typically do not appear again.

Some skills also unlock hullmods, although most of them can be learned though a modspec.

Once a hullmod has been unlocked it can be installed on any number of player ships. It's possible to have a ship with an installed hullmod that you do not have unlocked (for example, starting ships often have some) - if it's uninstalled, it will not be possible to install it again.

At the start of the game, the following hullmods are already known & available for installation:

Berthing.png Additional Berthing Armored weapon emplacements.png Armored Weapon Mounts Fuel tanks.png Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Auxilliary thrusters.png Auxiliary Thrusters Blast doors.png Blast Doors
Targeting core.png Dedicated Targeting Core Expanded cargo.png Expanded Cargo Holds Flux coil adjunct.png Flux Coil Adjunct Flux distributor.png Flux Distributor Hardened subsystems.png Hardened Subsystems
Reinforced bulkheads.png Reinforced Bulkheads Militarized subsystems.png Militarized Subsystems Safety overrides.png Safety Overrides Unstable injector.png Unstable Injector

Logistics hullmods

Logistic Hullmods.png

Unlike regular hullmods, logistic hullmods can only be added and removed while docked.

They usually affect non-combat stats like cargo capacity or maximum burn.

A ship is normally limited to only 2 logistics hullmods, but this limit can be bypassed by s-modding Logistics Hullmods.

Damage hullmods

Example of price difference between Mules with different amounts of d-mods.
Main article: Damage hullmods

Damage hullmods (commonly known as d-mods) represent serious long-term damage to a ship, and are added when a ship is recovered after battle. They may be removed by restoring the ship in a dock at a planet or station, for a high credit cost. Ships with damage mods cost fewer supplies to deploy.

Many ships sold at the shop will have d-mods. Ships with d-mods are cheaper; the difference is particularly large for the first d-mod.

Ill-Advised Modifications and Special Modifications are also considered d-mods, but do not affect recovery cost and cannot be added after the ship recovery. They are instead similar to built-in mods, appearing on specific hulls. They can be removed by restoring the ship, but not with Hull Restoration skill.

Damage mods are shown as orange bars on the ship icon. A ship can normally have up to 5 d-mods.

Built-in hullmods

Many ship hulls come with hullmods built into them from the start. A built-in hullmod doesn't cost any OP and doesn't count against the logistics hullmod limit. A common example is Civilian-grade Hull, which is built into numerous ships. Some built-in mods are regular hullmods (for example, Venture has built-in Surveying Equipment, which can be installed on any ship), while others are unique to the hulls they are built into, such as Advanced Targeting Core or Salvage Gantry. Some built-in hullmods are disadvantageous, representing a specific limitation of a ship class, such as Ablative Armor or Delicate Machinery.


A regular hullmod can be built-in for SP, turning it into an s-mod. S-mods are permanent and do not cost any OP. Additionally, many hullmods provide an additional effect when turned into an s-mod. Cheaper hullmods and logistics hullmods usually provide a bonus, while more expensive s-mods usually come with a disadvantage. Your ships are normally limited to two s-mods, increasing to three with Best of the Best.

The bonus XP depends on ship size:

The remaining XP spent for s-modding a ship can be fully regained as Bonus EXP by scuttling the ship, e.g. scuttling a Capital-size hull with 3 s-mods will give 300% bonus EXP.

Built-in hullmods with bonus effects can be enhanced instead. This also costs SP 100% XP, and does not count against the maximum limit.

S-mods are shown as green bars on the ship icon.

Certain NPC fleets also have s-modded ships. These are fairly rare and only appear in specific conditions - there are currently no randomly-generated fleets with s-modded ships.

By Category

These categories are the ones used by the game and some hullmods may appear in multiple categories. Built-in only mods do not have categories but have been assigned them here. D-mods, faction mods, and hidden mods have not been included either.


Shield hullmods
Accelerated shields.png Accelerated Shields Increases shield turn rate and extension speed.
Extended shields.png Extended Shields Increases maximum shield arc.
Hardened shields.png Hardened Shields Reduces damage taken by shields.
Front shield emitter.png Shield Conversion - Front Converts omni shield to front shield. Increases maximum shield arc.
Omni shield emitter mod.png Shield Conversion - Omni Converts front shield to omni shield. Reduces maximum shield arc.
Stabilized shields.png Stabilized Shields Reduces flux upkeep for shields.
Shield shunt.png Shield Shunt Removes shields. Increases armor.
Front shield generator.png Makeshift Shield Generator Installs basic shields on shieldless ship. Reduces top speed.
Flux shunt.png Flux Shunt Built-in only. Allows dissipation of hard flux while shields are up.


Defensive hullmods
Armored weapon emplacements.png Armored Weapon Mounts Increases weapon durability and armor. Reduces recoil and weapon turn rate.
Automated repair unit.png Automated Repair Unit Increases weapon repair rate in combat.
Blast doors.png Blast Doors Increases hull integrity. Reduces crew casualties.
Heavy armor.png Heavy Armor Increases armor.
Reinforced bulkheads.png Reinforced Bulkheads Increases hull integrity. Makes ship almost always recoverable if lost.
Resistant flux conduits.png Resistant Flux Conduits Reduces EMP damage taken. Improves venting speed.
Shield shunt.png Shield Shunt Removes shields. Increases armor.


Weapons hullmods
Advanced optics.png Advanced Optics Increases beam weapon range.
Advanced turret gyros.png Advanced Turret Gyros Increases turret turn rate.
Ballistic rangefinder.png Ballistic Rangefinder Increases base range of small and medium weapons in ballisic slots.
Targeting core.png Dedicated Targeting Core Increases weapon range, with a greater effect for larger ships.
Eccm package.png ECCM Package Improves missile speed and guidance. Reduces effect of enemy ECM.
Expanded magazines.png Expanded Magazines Increases ammo/charges for ballistic and energy weapons.
Expanded missile racks.png Expanded Missile Racks Increases missile weapon ammo.
High scatter amp.png High Scatter Amplifier Reduces beam range. Beams deal more damage and apply hard flux to shields.
Integrated point defense ai.png Integrated Point Defense AI PD unaffected by decoy flares. Improves target leading. Increased damage to missiles.
Integrated targeting unit.png Integrated Targeting Unit Increases weapon range, with a greater effect for larger ships.
Missile autoloader.png Missile Autoloader Reloads missile weapons in small missile mounts.
Coherer.png Energy Bolt Coherer Built-in only. Increases base range of non-beam energy weapons.


Engine hullmods
Auxilliary thrusters.png Auxiliary Thrusters Increases maneuverability.
Insulated engine assembly.png Insulated Engine Assembly Requires Dock. Increases engine durability. Lowers sensor profile.
Safety overrides.png Safety Overrides Drastic improvements in performance. Severe decrease to peak performance time and weapon ranges.
Unstable injector.png Unstable Injector Increases speed. Reduces weapon range.


Fighters hullmods
Converted hangar.png Converted Hangar Improvised fighter bay for non-carriers.
Defensive targeting array.png Defensive Targeting Array Increases fighter PD damage. Reduces fighter roam range to zero.
Expanded deck crew.png Expanded Deck Crew Improves fighter replacement rate. Increases crew requirements.
Recovery shuttles.png Recovery Shuttles Reduces fighter pilot casualties.
Bdeck.png B-Deck Built-in only. Launches fresh wings and replenishes the replacement rate once per combat.


Special Hullmods
Escort package.png Escort Package Increases maneuverability, top speed, and weapon range when near a larger friendly ship.
Flux coil adjunct.png Flux Coil Adjunct Increases flux capacity.
Flux distributor.png Flux Distributor Increases flux dissipation.
Hardened subsystems.png Hardened Subsystems Increases peak performance time. Reduces CR degradation rate.
Neural interface.png Neural Interface Allows rapid switching between ships, which can reset system cooldowns and add a system charge.
Neural integrator.png Neural Integrator Specialized Neural Interface for automated ships.
Operations center.png Operations Center Increases command point recovery rate when on flagship.


Phase hullmods
Phase field.png Adaptive Phase Coils Reduces impact of hard flux level on top speed while phased.
Phase anchor.png Phase Anchor Increases flux dissipation and weapon recharge while phased. Enables emergency dive maneuver.
Phase field.png Phase Field Built-in only. Decreases fleet-wide sensor profile.


Support Hullmods
Ecm package.png ECM Package Increases ship's ECM rating.
Nav relay.png Nav Relay Increases top speed of deployed ships.


Logistics hullmods
Berthing.png Additional Berthing Requires Dock. Increases crew capacity.
Augmented drive field2.png Augmented Drive Field Requires Dock. Increases maximum burn level.
Fuel tanks.png Auxiliary Fuel Tanks Requires Dock. Increases fuel capacity.
Converted fighter bay.png Converted Fighter Bay Requires Dock. Converts built-in fighter bays into improvised cargo holds.
Efficiency.png Efficiency Overhaul Requires Dock. Reduces ongoing costs and enables more deployments.
Expanded cargo.png Expanded Cargo Holds Requires Dock. Increases cargo capacity.
High res sensors.png High Resolution Sensors Requires Dock. Increases fleet's sensor range.
Insulated engine assembly.png Insulated Engine Assembly Requires Dock. Increases engine durability. Lowers sensor profile.
Militarized subsystems.png Militarized Subsystems Requires Dock. Removes sensor penalties. Increases maximum burn level and crew requirements.
Solar shielding2.png Solar Shielding Requires Dock. Reduces effect of being in corona and energy damage taken.
Surveying equipment.png Surveying Equipment Requires Dock. Reduces resource requirements for surveying.
Civilian grade.png Civilian-grade Hull Built-in only. Increases sensor profile. Reduces sensor strength.
High maintenance.png High Maintenance Built-in only. Increases maintenance cost.
Repair gantry.png Salvage Gantry Built-in only. Increases resources gained from salvage.
Shielded cargo hold.png Shielded Cargo Holds Built-in only. Improves chance to avoid detection of contraband.


  • Patch 0.9: 
    • Known hullmods no longer drop or show up for sale
    • Buying up hullmods will NOT increase the odds of remaining ones showing up
  • Patch 0.8a: 
    • Auxiliary Thrusters now available at game start; reduced OP cost for capitals to 25(from 30)
    • Unstable Injector
      • Removed acceleration bonus and engine damage penalty
      • Now reduces weapon range by 25%
      • Reduced OP cost
    • Augmented Engines
      • Removed in-combat speed bonus
      • Reduced cost
      • Renamed to "Augmented Drive Field"
    • Dedicated Targeting Core: reduced cost
    • Integrated Targeting Unit:
      • Reduced cost to match DTC
      • Slightly increased range bonus for cruisers (+5%) and capital ships (+10%)
    • Hullmods can now be acquired from a "Modspec" item
      • Dropped by enemies
      • Found as salvage
      • Bought on markets
    • New/adjusted hullmods:
      • All percentile reductions applied by hullmods are now multiplicative
      • Most already were; this is just cleanup to ensure consistency
      • Goal is to avoid unreasonable stacking, i.e. -50% and -50% reducing a value to 0
    • Flux Coil Adjunct, Flux Distributor:
      • Cost 4/8/12/20 ordnance points
      • Provide dissipation/capacity at 75% efficiency compared to vents and capacitors
      • Available from the start
    • Generally reduced penalties from d-mods
    • ECCM Package: now also reduces weapon range penalty from losing Electronic Warfare
    • Expanded Missile Racks:
      • Now increases missile ammo by 100% (was: 75%)
      • Ordnance point cost increased substantially
      • One-shot Reaper torpedo launcher now has a 5 second cooldown
    • Degraded Engines: reduced sensor signature penalty, reduced movement penalty
    • Accelerated Shields: no longer available from start
    • Expanded Magazines: no longer available from start
    • Reinforced Bulkheads: available at campaign start
    • Salvage Gantry: removed bonus to salvage from being deployed in combat, wasn't working right design-wise
    • New hullmods:
      • Expanded Deck Crew
      • Recovery Shuttles
      • Nav Relay
      • ECM Package
      • Operations Center
    • Adjusted various related hullmods; of particular note:
      • High Resolution Sensors give a flat +60 to sensor strength
      • Phase Field sets the ship's profile to 0