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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.

The Valkyrie is a standard destroyer-sized troop transport with enough room to carry two companies of marines. Tactically it is weak for its size, only able to defend itself at short ranges from missiles and fighters.

As an atmosphere-capable combat dropship with ground support weapon mounts designed to operate during re-entry and when grounded, the Valkyrie is often used to deploy heavy infantry support for tech raids on decivilized worlds.

The ability to deliver large amounts of troops directly to ground targets while providing fire support prompted Hegemony bureaucrats to designate the hull as "restricted" for sale to third parties. Naturally, news of the restriction made it to the general public cycles before it came into effect, launching ill-fated speculation in the future prices of this class. Thus, overproduction and the hull's limited options made the speculators' betting largely moot, the only net result is that now, due to oversupply, it is just as easy to obtain a Valkyrie ship as before news of the Hegemony ban ever became public.

–In-game description

A dedicated Destroyer-sized troop transport widely used across the sector, the Valkyrie is suited for raiding duties due to its Ground Support Package.


Designed to transport Crew and support Marine raids, the Valkyrie can double the strength of upwards to 100 Marines during a raid due to its integrated Ground Support Package. While not a combat ship, the Valkyrie is capable of fighting if need be due to sporting 2 forward Small Energy hardpoints and 4 Small Ballistic turrets.

It is the only ship capable of supporting raids, while being openly tradable on the open market; the Colossus Mk.III is only buyable from Pirate worlds or black markets, while the Phantom, which does sport a stronger Advanced Ground Support hullmod, can only be purchased with a Tri-Tachyon commission.

Strategy and tips

Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.


  • Patch 0.95a: 
    • Increased deployment/maintenance cost to 5 (was: 3)
    • Reduced max crew to 250 (was: 300)