Venture (LP)

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Fanatics of the Luddic Path have made this ship their own, stripping out all unnecessary furnishing and transforming it into a haphazard vehicle of holy war.

Tough, dependable and not overly expensive, Venture-class cruisers are usually purchased by private corporations for escort duty or refitted by small non-aligned worlds for system defense.

The Venture-class ships are perhaps the most widely used civilian cruisers in the Sector. The blueprints for the Venture are widely available and can often be secured with little trouble.

When used by small corporations, the ship is usually the pride of the fleet and is used to underpin vital operations. Due to its ubiquity, the vessel also serves with quite a few pirate outfits, where it sometimes fills the role of command ship.

–In-game description

VentureVenture (LP)Venture Mk.II

The Luddic Path variant also loses the drones but omits the usual Safety Overrides in favour of Orion Device instead, considerably improving its rather anemic speed.



Strategy and tips

Damagetype energy.png The following section contains user-submitted suggestions, these may be inaccurate or outdated.

The Luddic Path variant of the Venture is able to ram targets at extreme speed using the burst from its Orion Device. Unlike the Retribution, the Venture is better armored than any Battlecruiser, letting it handle collisions better in most situations.

The system also creates an actual explosion behind the ship, providing some coverage to the rear in a similar manner to Canister Flak.


This section of the article is transcluded from Venture#Changelog.
