Gas Giant

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A Gas Giant
Primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases. The temperature and pressure at the core are extreme, but not enough to sustain the deuterium fusion that would turn the planet into a brown dwarf star.

–In-Game Description

A Gas Giant is a Planet type that can be found all over the Persean sector.

They can be found at any distance within a System.

They can also be scanned with an Active Sensor Burst to gain +5 Hyperspace Topography.


Gas Giants are guaranteed to have only volatiles.

These planets typically have:

Market Conditions

Gravity high.png High Gravity (+50% hazard rating & -10% accessibility) will always be an attribute of Gas Giant worlds.

Other market conditions that can appear are:

It can also have:

Varying degree of Ruins can also be rarely found on Gas Giants.


Gas Giants primarily serves as a host to the Mining Industry, however, as volatiles are the only possible resource and combined with the myriads of possible market conditions increasing hazard rating, Gas Giant are seldom worth colonizing.

A Commerce can also be used to capitalized on the meagre income from Mining.

Special Items

A Plasma Dynamo is of great use on a Mining Industry and can justify colonizing one, it's also the easier way of meeting the volatiles demand from an Orbital Fusion Lamp.

And as with all non-habitable worlds, a Heavy Industry/Orbital Works with a Corrupted Nanoforge/Pristine Nanoforge can work well too if the hazard rating is low enough or if needed.



The unique Gas Giants of the Core Worlds.

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.