Irradiated World

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A Irradiated World
Barren and high irradiated, this planet is not only devoid of life but is a harsh environment even to harden robotic operations due to the awesome energies inflicted upon its surface. Any habitat would have to be constructed deeply indeed for anyone mad enough to live here.

–In-Game Description

An Irradiated World is a Planet type that can be found with the Persean sector.

They can be found at any distance within a system.


Irradiated worlds are guaranteed to have ore deposits and often can have rare ore deposits too.

These planets typically have:

Market Conditions

Irradiated.png Irradiated (+50% hazard rating) will always be an attribute of Irradiated worlds.

Other market conditions that can appear are:

Varying degree of Ruins can also be found on Irradiated Worlds.


Irradiated worlds primarily serves as a host to the Mining Industry, and by extension Refining too.

Planets with at least both Abundant ore deposits & Abundant rare ore deposits can achieve self-sufficiency in Refining demands with the aid of an Administrator with Industrial Planning.

A Commerce can also be used to capitalized on the income from Mining & Refining.

Special Items

An Autonomous Mantle Bore is of great use on a Mining Industry.

And as with all non-habitable worlds, a Heavy Industry/Orbital Works with a Corrupted Nanoforge/Pristine Nanoforge can work well too if the hazard rating is low enough or if needed.


  • Irradiated worlds comes in a wide variety of colourization, mainly different shades of brown & purple, they also have different degrees of atmosphere visibility/density.
  • The Core Worlds has no Irradiated colonies, at least without player action.

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