Water World

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A Water World
A primitive atmosphere covers a world-ocean hundreds of kilometers deep. Its waters teem with primitive life and vast algae-analog mats can be seen by instruments from space. A core of water-ice over a rocky mantle is created by the terrific pressure of the sea.

–In-Game Description

A Water World is a Planet type that can be rarely found within systems of the Persean sector.

They are typically found at a medium distance from their host star.


Water worlds will always have a Water covered.png Water-covered Surface (0) and some organics reserves.

Water worlds can also have ore deposits & rare ore deposits.

These planets typically have:

Market Conditions

Water worlds will always be Habitable.png Habitable (-25% hazard rating).

Note that Water covered.png Water-covered Surface also have +25% hazard rating.

Other market conditions that can appear are:

Varying degree of Ruins can also be found on Water Worlds.


Water worlds primarily serves as a host to Aquaculture & Mining Industry.

Planets with at least both Abundant ore deposits & Abundant rare ore deposits can achieve self-sufficiency in Refining demands with the aid of an Administrator with Industrial Planning.

The organics deposits should also allow a Light Industry to have self-sufficiency too.

A Commerce can also be used to capitalized on the income from Aquaculture & Mining.

Luddic Majority

If the Water world has poor ore deposits and rare ore deposits (or just straight up don't have these deposits), the player can choose turn the population of their colony to be a Luddic majority.png Luddic Majority.

Between an Aquaculture industry, a Light Industry with Free port.png Free Port and a Commerce, the player can tap into the lucrative global market of Food and Recreational Drugs.

The population grown bonus can help rapidly increase the size of the colony, and the stability bonus can help counteract the decreased stability from Commerce.

Do be careful as this can attract Unwanted Attention if you haven't dealt with it already.

Special Items

A Biofactory Embryo can be added to a Light Industry to increase it's production.


Non-Habitable Barren · Barren-Bombarded · Barren-Desert · Rocky Metallic · Rocky Unstable · Rocky Ice · Volcanic · Cryovolcanic · Frozen · Toxic · Irradiated · Gas Giant · Ice Giant
Habitable Desert · Arid · Jungle · Tundra · Water · Terran Eccentric · Terran

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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.