Barren World

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A Barren World
Radiation from the nearby star ravages the surface of this world due to the lack of an atmosphere ozone layer. No significant geological activity. No indigenous life forms.

–In-Game Description

A Barren World is a Planet type that can be found all over the Persean sector in great abundance.

They can be found at any distance within a System.


Barren worlds are guaranteed to have ore deposits and sometimes can have rare ore deposits too.

These planets typically have:

Market Conditions

Atmosphere none.png No Atmosphere (+50% hazard rating) will always be an attribute of Barren worlds.

Other market conditions that can appear are:

It can also have:

Varying degree of Ruins can also be found on Barren Worlds.


Barren worlds primarily serves as a host to the Mining Industry, and by extension Refining too.

Planets with at least both Abundant ore deposits & Abundant rare ore deposits can achieve self-sufficiency in Refining demands with the aid of an Administrator with Industrial Planning.

A Commerce can also be used to capitalized on the income from Mining & Refining.

Special Items

An Autonomous Mantle Bore is of great use on a Mining Industry.

Refining can benefits even further from the use of a Catalytic Core as Barren worlds are guaranteed to have No Atmosphere.

A Synchrotron Core benefits from this too and enables Fuel Production as a lucrative Industry.

And as with all non-habitable worlds, a Heavy Industry/Orbital Works with a Corrupted Nanoforge/Pristine Nanoforge can work well too if the hazard rating is low enough or if needed.


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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.