Orange Star

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An Orange Star
Slightly cooler and smaller than Old Earth's sun, this class K star most resembles Alpha Centuri B. It is particularly stable, burning on the lower end of the main sequence for tens of billions of years and thus considered a likely host to life-bearing and terraformable planets.

–In-Game Description

An Orange Star is a Star type that abundantly occurs throughout the Persean Sector.

They are found in Constellations of all ages.

Planet Composition

Planet types with no particular restrictions like Barren, Barren-Bombarded, Rocky Metallic, Rocky Unstable and Gas Giant can be found here.

Volcanic, Toxic & Irradiated worlds can also sometimes be found here, and rarely Barren-Desert worlds.

Colder planet types like Rocky Ice, Frozen Cryovolcanic & Ice Giant can rarely be found in the outskirts of the system.

Most importantly, Habitable worlds like Desert, Arid, Jungle, Tundra, Terran Eccentric and Terran can be found here.

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