Nebula System

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A Nebula
An enormous cloud of particles formed from gases of the interstellar medium or material shed by the death throes of stars. Perturbations caused by gravity and radiation create areas of greater density that may slowly gather mass to someday birth new celestial bodies.

–In-Game Description

For the ship class, see Nebula.

A Nebula is a System type that very rarely occurs throughout the Persean Sector.

They are typically found in younger Constellations.

Planet Composition

Planet types with no particular restrictions like Barren, Barren-Bombarded, Rocky Metallic, Rocky Unstable and Gas Giant can be found here.

Volcanic, Toxic & Irradiated worlds can also sometimes be found here.

Colder planet types like Rocky Ice, Frozen Cryovolcanic & Ice Giant can be found here more often than usual.


The following market conditions will always appear on its planets (if possible):

Young Nebula

A Young Nebula
An enormous cloud of particles formed from gases of the interstellar medium or material shed by the death throes of stars. Perturbations caused by gravity and radiation create areas of greater density that may slowly gather mass to someday birth new celestial bodies. This region of space is filled with recently formed, quick-burning stars and is less likely to harbor naturally life-sustaining worlds.

–In-Game Description

Effectively identical to a normal Nebula but blue.

Also a bit more likely to appear.

Old Nebula

An Old Nebula
An enormous cloud of particles formed from gases of the interstellar medium or material shed by the death throes of stars. Perturbations caused by gravity and radiation create areas of greater density that may slowly gather mass to someday birth new celestial bodies. This region of space is older, filled with stable, slower-burning stars that are more likely to harbor naturally life sustaining worlds.

–In-Game Description

Effectively identical to a normal Nebula but yellow / orange.

Also a bit less likely to appear.


Using Active Sensor Burst to scan the center of the Nebula will give +15 Hyperspace Topography.

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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.