Black Hole
The result of the apocalyptic collapse of a massive star. No object can escape from the black hole, nor light itself. The black hole does however emit detectable Hawking radiation due to poorly-understood quantum effects. No information can be detected beyond the event horizon with any device known to exist in the Sector. The intense gravity of the black hole rips and tears nearby objects into an accretion disk which inevitably spirals into the gravitational abyss. Extremely dangerous. | ||
–In-Game Description |
A Black Hole is a Star type that infrequently occurs throughout the Persean Sector.
They are typically found in older Constellations.
Planet Composition
Planet types with no particular restrictions like Barren, Barren-Bombarded, Rocky Metallic, Rocky Unstable and Gas Giant can be found here.
Volcanic, Toxic & Irradiated worlds can also sometimes be found here.
Colder planet types like Rocky Ice, Frozen Cryovolcanic & Ice Giant can be found here more often than usual.
It is highly not recommended to get close to a black hole, though it isn't immediately fatal.
If a Black Hole is the sole primary mass of a system, it will also afflict the following market conditions if possible on its planets:
Darkness (+50% hazard rating)
Extreme Cold (+50% hazard rating)
Using Active Sensor Burst to scan a Black Hole while just inside its event horizon will give +15 Hyperspace Topography.
Using Active Sensor Burst inside the "halo" of the Black Hole will give +40 Hyperspace Topography.
In Hyperspace, the gravity well of a Black Hole can be used to Generate Slipsurge to travel long distances.
Research Stations often can be found orbiting closely to a Black Hole, or in orbit of any Gas Giant or Ice Giant in the system.
Systems | |
Red Supergiant • Red Giant • Orange Giant • Blue Supergiant • Blue Giant • Yellow Star • Orange Star • Red Dwarf • Brown Dwarf • White Dwarf • Neutron Star • Black Hole • Nebula |