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Seed: MN-660114012527106396

The Persean Sector is the region of space in the Milky Way galaxy where Starsector takes place.

It can be most easily observed in the Sector Map of the Map Screen.

The Core Worlds

The Core Worlds are a set of systems that are pre-made by Alex.

It's located in the center of the Persean sector and is the home to all the initially inhabited worlds & their respective Factions, or in other worlds, it's civilized space.

As such, all of the inhabited worlds and certain uninhabited worlds have the same Market Conditions across all campaigns, these Market Conditions also often differs wildly from procedurally generated planets of the same type.

However, most uninhabited worlds will have procedurally generated Market Conditions according to the planet type, and some of the Core World systems can also have procedurally generated planets appear in the outskirts of the system; these planets will change between campaigns.

Sector Generation

The systems outside of the Core Worlds are all procedurally generated (with exception).

This generation is determined during the creation process of a campaign, and 2 aspects can be adjusted: Size & Age.

Systems are also generated in groups called Constellations, which are given a respective name.



Systems within the same Constellations are of the same age.

The amount of systems generated within a Constellation ranges from the minimum 2 all the way up to 7 systems.

The name of the systems are also coloured, though this isn't representative of the Constellation's age but rather to help visually distinguish it from its neighbours.

It is also possible for lone systems not in a constellation to be generated.


Size will alter the amount of Constellations & systems that will be generated in the Sector.

Sector Size
Icon Name Description
Sector size normal.png Normal Normal amount of star systems

Generates systems from the Core Worlds to the borders of the sector and the Orion-Perseus Abyss.

Sector size small.png Small Around 50% fewer star systems compared to normal

Generates systems from the Core Worlds to approximately 2/3 of the way to the borders of the sector.


Age will alter the system types, amount/types of planets, and amount/type of resources that will spawn in the Sector's Constellations.

Sector Age
Icon Name Description
Sector age young.png Young Hotter stars, more planets, more mineral resources. Fewer habitable worlds.
Sector age average.png Average More balanced mix of stars and planets.
Sector age old.png Old Cooler stars, fewer planets, less minerals. More habitable worlds.
Sector age mixed.png Mixed Different constellations may have different ages.

The different age can also be seen in the colourization of the Nebula constellations:

  • Blue Nebula are young.
  • Nebula with a variety of desaturated colours (red, yellow, blue) are average.
  • Yellow/Orange Nebula are old.

For Constellations without Nebulas, it's harder to figure out its age. Generally speaking, younger Constellations will have more Blue Giants, while older Constellations will have more Black Holes & Neutron Stars.

It is generally recommended for a new player to stay with the default setting of Mixed to experience the different kinds of star systems.

Domain sector registry ID

The top image's seed is MN-660114012527106396.

The first letter represents the Age of the sector:

  • "M" stands for Mixed
  • "Y" stands for Young
  • "A" stands for Average
  • "O" stands for Old.

The second letter represents the Size of the sector:

  • "N" stands for Normal
  • "S" stands for Small.

The number sequence afterwards is just the rest of the seeding.

Star Systems

Each point of light on the Sector map is a system that can be visited, though some are star-less Nebulas with planetary bodies.

Besides a Nebula, Systems can also be generated with multiple different Star types, which can negate certain negative effects from certain Star Types in a mono-system. If these Stars are close together in a binary or trinary system, using Active Sensor Burst will provide useful Hyperspace Topography.

Systems can also sometimes generate without any planets at all.

System Types

Table of System Types
Image Star Type Apparent Colour Apparent Size Rarity Notes
Red Supergiant.png Red Supergiant Red Large Rare Red & orange giants are most often found in old constellations.

Giant stars often have more orbiting bodies than normal.

These stars have many barren and irradiated worlds, but still have gas giants and habitable worlds.

Red Giant.png Red Giant Red Large Common
Orange Giant.png Orange Giant Orange Large Rare
Blue Supergiant.png Blue Supergiant White Large Rare Blue giants are usually found in young constellations.

They have fewer habitable planets, but more lava worlds (and thus more minerals).

Blue Giant.png Blue Giant White Large Common
Yellow Star.png Yellow Star Average Average Abundant These are average stars, found everywhere.

They are most common in young constellations.

A normal distribution of planet types can be expected.

Orange Star.png Orange Star Orange Small Abundant
Red Dwarf.png Red Dwarf Red Small Abundant
Brown Dwarf.png Brown Dwarf Red Tiny Rare These stars are cold and rarely habitable.

They appear very similar to red dwarfs on the map.

White Dwarf.png White Dwarf White Small Common These almost-neutron stars are common in old constellations.

They have many cold worlds but few habitable ones.

Neutron Star.png Neutron Star White Tiny Uncommon One step from a black hole, I hope you like radiation!

Rare in young constellations, and rarely habitable.

Black Hole.png Black Hole Purple Large


Uncommon It's a black hole. Quite rare, especially in young constellations.

Suprisingly habitable (don't get your hopes up, though) and can have many planets.

Nebula (system).png Nebula n/a Large Rare These are rare in older systems, and hard to spot.

Nebulas are rarely habitable and are very cold.


Systems are populated with various different types of planets (obviously).

These planets can be interacted in a wide variety of ways, such as:

When fully surveyed, planets will also gain a Class rating, with higher classes typically having more exploitable resources & lower hazard rating.

Planet Types

Table of Planet Types
Image Planet Type Rarity Resources Market Condition
Barren World.png Barren Abundant Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have No Atmosphere
Barren-Bombarded World.png Barren-Bombarded Common Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have No Atmosphere
Barren-Desert World.png Barren-Desert Rare Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have Thin Atmosphere
Rocky Metallic World.png Rocky Metallic Common Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have No Atmosphere
Rocky Unstable World.png Rocky Unstable Uncommon Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have No Atmosphere

Always have either Tectonic Activity or Extreme Tectonic Activity

Rocky Ice World.png Rocky Ice Uncommon Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have No Atmosphere

Always be either Cold or Extreme Cold

Often have either Poor Light or Darkness

Volcanic World 1.png Volcanic Abundant Often have significant Market_condition#Ore_DepositsOore & Rare Ore deposits Always be either Hot or Extreme Heat

Always have either Tectonic Activity or Extreme Tectonic Activity

Always have either Thin Atmosphere, Toxic Atmosphere or sometimes Dense Atmosphere

Cryovolcanic World.png Cryovolcanic Uncommon Often have significant Ore, Rare Ore & Volatiles deposits Always be Extreme Cold

Often have either Poor Light or Darkness

Always have either Tectonic Activity or Extreme Tectonic Activity, though more often the former

Frozen World 1.png Frozen Uncommon Have some degree of Ore, Rare Ore & Volatiles deposits Always be Extreme Cold

Often have either Poor Light or Darkness

Toxic World 1.png Toxic Uncommon Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits

Very rarely Organics & Volatiles reserves

Always have Toxic Atmosphere
Irradiated World.png Irradiated Uncommon Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits Always have Irradiated market condition

Sometimes be either Hot or Extreme Heat

Gas Giant.png Gas Giant Common Only have Volatiles reserves Always have High Gravity
Ice Giant.png Ice Giant Uncommon Only have Volatiles reserves Always have High Gravity

Always be either Cold or Extreme Cold, usually the latter

Often have either Poor Light or Darkness, usually the latter

Desert World.png Desert Uncommon Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits

Rarely have Poor Farmland

Is always Hot

Always have Extreme Weather


Arid World.png Arid Rare Always have farmland

Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits & Organics reserves

Very rarely have Volatiles reserves

Is always Hot


Jungle World.png Jungle Rare Always have farmland

Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits & Organics reserves

Is always Hot


Tundra World.png Tundra Rare Always have farmland

Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits & Organics reserves

Very rarely have Volatiles reserves

Is always Cold


Water World.png Water Rare Always have Water-covered Surface.

Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits & Organics reserves

Terran Eccentric World.png Terran Eccentric Extremely Rare Always have farmland

Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits & Organics reserves


Always have some other market condition like Poor Light, Tectonic Activity and/or Extreme Weather

Terran World.png Terran Extremely Rare Always have farmland

Have some degree of Ore & Rare Ore deposits & Organics reserves


Warning Beacons

When exploring the greater sector beyond the Core Worlds, the player might also come across Warning Beacons.

Beacon low.png LOW ~ 1 ping
Beacon med.png MEDIUM ~ 2 pings
Beacon high.png HIGH ~ 3 pings

Explore these systems, particularly High Danger Level, at your own risk.

Changelog History









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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.