Orange Giant

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An Orange Giant
A giant class K star which has depleted its hydrogen fuel and has reached sufficient temperature, due to sufficient mass, to fuse helium. Technically a red giant, this star is more massive and hotter-burning than more common examples. Resembles the star Aldebaran known to classical pre-Domain astronomy.

–In-Game Description

An Orange Giant is a Star type that rarely occurs throughout the Persean Sector.

They are typically found in older Constellations.

Planet Composition

Planet types with no particular restrictions like Barren, Barren-Bombarded, Rocky Metallic, Rocky Unstable and Gas Giant can be found here.

Volcanic, Toxic & Irradiated worlds can also sometimes be found here.

Colder planet types like Rocky Ice, Frozen, Cryovolcanic & Ice Giant can rarely be found in the outskirts of the system.


In Hyperspace, the gravity well of an Orange Giant can be used to Generate Slipsurge to travel long distances.

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