Red Giant

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A Red Giant
A low-to-medium mass star in a late phase of stellar evolution, a red giant has exhausted the supply of hydrogen in its core and switched to hydrogen fusion in a shell around the now-helium core instead. While the star itself is huge, the outer envelope has a lower temperature, giving the star its characteristic hue.

–In-Game Description

A Red Giant is a Star type that commonly occurs throughout the Persean Sector.

They are typically found in older Constellations.

Planet Composition

Planet types with no particular restrictions like Barren, Barren-Bombarded, Rocky Metallic, Rocky Unstable and Gas Giant can be found here.

Volcanic, Toxic & Irradiated worlds can also sometimes be found here.

Colder planet types like Rocky Ice, Frozen, Cryovolcanic & Ice Giant can rarely be found in the outskirts of the system.


In Hyperspace, the gravity well of a Red Giant can be used to Generate Slipsurge to travel long distances.

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