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These are all the System types that can be generated in Sector Generation.

An understanding of the properties of the System types is important for exploration.

System Types
Image Star Type Apparent Colour Apparent Size Rarity Notes
Red Supergiant.png Red Supergiant Red Large Rare Red & orange giants are most often found in old constellations.

Giant stars often have more orbiting bodies than normal.

These stars have many barren and irradiated worlds, but still have gas giants and habitable worlds.

Red Giant.png Red Giant Red Large Common
Orange Giant.png Orange Giant Orange Large Rare
Blue Supergiant.png Blue Supergiant White Large Rare Blue giants are usually found in young constellations.

They have fewer habitable planets, but more lava worlds (and thus more minerals).

Blue Giant.png Blue Giant White Large Common
Yellow Star.png Yellow Star Average Average Abundant These are average stars, found everywhere.

They are most common in young constellations.

A normal distribution of planet types can be expected.

Orange Star.png Orange Star Orange Small Abundant
Red Dwarf.png Red Dwarf Red Small Abundant
Brown Dwarf.png Brown Dwarf Red Tiny Rare These stars are cold and rarely habitable.

They appear very similar to red dwarfs on the map.

White Dwarf.png White Dwarf White Small Common These almost-neutron stars are common in old constellations.

They have many cold worlds but few habitable ones.

Neutron Star.png Neutron Star White Tiny Uncommon One step from a black hole, I hope you like radiation!

Rare in young constellations, and rarely habitable.

Black Hole.png Black Hole Purple Large


Uncommon It's a black hole. Quite rare, especially in young constellations.

Suprisingly habitable (don't get your hopes up, though) and can have many planets.

Nebula (system).png Nebula n/a Large Rare These are rare in older systems, and hard to spot.

Nebulas are rarely habitable and are very cold.

Pages in category "Systems"

The following 13 pages are in this category, out of 13 total.