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The Skill Table of Version 0.97

Skills are permanent bonuses, abilities & capabilities acquired by the player and Officers, they can be found primarily in the Character Screen.


They are unlocked by spending Skill Points, which are earned upon leveling up, up to a maximum of 15 for the player and from 5 to 7 for officers.

Skills that affect the piloted ship may be upgraded to Elite once unlocked, providing additional benefit at the cost of SP 0% XP.


40 skills are available, divided into 4 "Aptitude" Trees:

  • Combat: Skills that improve the combat performance of your flagship.
  • Leadership: Skills that improve the combat performance of your fleets and officers.
  • Technology: A mix of skills that benefit exploration, stealth, and certain aspects your fleet and officers' combat performance.
  • Industry: Skills that improve the efficiency and resilience of your fleet, and make it easier to recover from losses.


These aptitude trees have 2 - 4 Tiers, starting with the 1st tier giving nice bonuses and ending in a pair of Capstone skills that are considerably more powerful than lower-tier skills and often influence or complements the player's playstyle.

Players must pick a skill in the 1st tier before being able to pick skills in the higher tiers, and this varies depending on how many tiers that the aptitude tree has:

  • 2 Tiers (Combat):
    • requires 4 in Tier 1 in order to put a skill point in Tier 2
  • 3 Tiers (Leadership):
    • requires 3 in Tier 1 in order to put a skill point in Tier 2
    • requires 4 in both Tier 1 & 2 in order to put a skill point in Tier 3
  • 4 Tiers (Technology & Industry):
    • requires 1 in Tier 1 in order to put a skill point in Tier 2
    • requires 2 in Tier 1 & 2 in order to put a skill in Tier 3
    • requires 4 in Tier 1, 2 & 3 in order to put a skill in Tier 4

In other words, in order to take the 1st Capstone skill for an aptitude tree, it would require putting 4 skills in previous tiers, for a total of 5 points spent in the aptitude.

The 2nd Capstone skill in the aptitude requires 6 previous skills, plus 2 points spent on the 2 Capstones for a total of 8 skill points spent in total.

Dimishing Returns

Many skills are affected by diminishing returns after a certain point, e.g. "Carrier Group" has its full effect when the fleet has 8 or fewer fighter bays, but decreased effect when going past 8 fighter bays.

This encourages the player to be more careful about their fleet composition, as bigger fleets has more sheer force, but also benefits from the relevant skills less efficiently compared to smaller fleets.


The player can respec their own skills for SP 0% XP.

Skills cannot be unlearned if they are required for another skill, such as needing the minimum amount of skill points to reach a capstone skill for an aptitude tree.

Unlearned Elite skills can be made Elite again later without spending any story points.

Do take caution when unlearning certain skills such as those later in the Leadership aptitude trees, as unlearning certain ones like Officer Training or Best of the Best will retroactively remove these benefits.


Skills that improve the combat performance of your flagship.

–In-Game Description

Tier Skill Icon Skill effect Skill Quote
Tier 1 Helmsmanship Helmsmanship 0.95.png Piloted Ship:
  • +50% maneuverability
  • +15% top speed


  • +10 su/second to top speed
  • The 0-flux speed is activated at any flux level, as long as the ship is not generating any flux or is venting / overloaded
It sings when you push the mix just right, like, [humming]. Everything is right in the world, from the stars down to your bones. Coming off a shift, it's like I just woke up. [laughing] Words can't tell it.
  • Nachiketa Portside Interview Project, Ep.3
Combat Endurance
Combat endurance 3.png
Piloted Ship:
  • +60 seconds peak operating time
  • -25% combat readiness degradation rate after peak performance time runs out
  • +15% maximum combat readiness


  • When below 100% hull, repair 0.5% per second: maximum total repair is the higher of 2000 points or 50% of maximum hull
Through calamity, the Fourteenth endured, Through hegemony, the Domain endures, Through duty, humanity shall endure.
  • Admiral Kali Molina, the Declaration of Hegemony, c49
Impact Mitigation Impact mitigation.png Piloted Ship:
  • -25% armor damage taken
  • -50% engines and weapon damage taken

Hullmod: Heavy Armor - increases armor, reduces maneuverability


  • +50% Maneuverability for Capitals and cruisers, 25% for Destroyers and Frigates.
The maneuver produced an oblique impact angle, dissipating the shell's momentum entirely into the ferrofoam applique. It was the unfortunate timing of the resulting shock which brought about Spacer York's tragic end during an otherwise routine heavy equipment transfer.
  • Thule skirmish of c120.03.08, AAR submitted by Navarch Zhou
Damage Control Damage control 2.png Piloted Ship:
  • -25% hull damage taken
  • -50% crew lost due to hull damage in combat
  • 50% faster in combat weapon and engine repairs

Hullmod: Automated Repair Unit - increases weapon repair rate in combat


  • Repairs of damaged but functional weapons and engines can continue while they are under fire
What's lost is lost. Let these compartments burn away, focus your efforts on what will see us through the next hour.
  • Navarch Tethys, final address to the crew of the PLS Astelene Key
Field Modulation Field modulation.png Piloted Ship:
  • -15% damage taken by shields
  • -25% flux generated by active phase cloaks

Hullmod: Stabilized Shields - reduces flux upkeep for shields


  • 20% hard flux dissipation while shields are active
  • -50% phase cloak cooldown
  • -25% overload duration

Hullmod: Hardened Shields - reduces damage take by shields

Few have a talent for what I like to think of as 'active tuning'. I find musicians make the best shield officers.
  • Ardis Soloman, leaked data submitted to COMSEC redaction algorithm
Point Defense Advanced countermeasures.png Piloted Ship & its Fighters:
  • +50% damage to fighters
  • +50% damage to missiles

Hullmod: Integrated Point Defense AI - PD not affected by decoy flares, improved target leading, more damage to missiles
Hullmod: Defensive Targeting Array - increases fighter PD damage, reduces fighter roam range to zero


  • Extends the range of point-defense weapons by +200
Me, I don't take with them lasers and the like. Puts on a hell of a lightshow, ya'sure, but nothing stops incoming blips like the wall of DU from a good Vulcan matrix.
  • "Lower Deck Heroes", a HEGCOM serial
Target Analysis Target analysis2.png Piloted Ship:
  • +15% damage to cruisers
  • +20% damage to capital ships


  • +5% damage to frigates
  • +10% damage to destroyers
  • +100% damage to weapons and engines
A machine-assisted human mind is capable of intuiting effective solutions despite conflicting sensor data and contradictory tactical directives. The targeting computer alone can never truly replace a warrior.
  • "On Space Combat, XXIIth ed.", from Domain Battlegroup XIV library
Ballistic Mastery Ranged specialization.png Piloted Ship:
  • +10% damage dealt by ballistic weapons
  • +10% ballistic weapon range

Hullmod: Integrated Targeting Unit - increases weapon range, more so for larger ships
Hullmod: Ballistic Rangefinder - increases base range of small and medium weapons in ballistic slots


  • +5% damage dealt by ballistic weapons
  • +33% ballistic projectile speed
What's it stopped the Tri-Tach plot? (Guns!)

What was it ol' Ludd forgot? (Guns!)
What've we got that they have not? (Big, big, guns!)

  • drinking song of the Hegemony navy
Tier 2 Systems Expertise Systems expertise.png Piloted Ship:
  • If a ship system has charges: +1 charge
  • If a ship system regenerates charges: +50% regeneration rate
  • If a ship system has range: +50% range
  • If a ship system has a cool down: -33% cooldown


  • -10% damage taken
No, I don't think it's a contradiction. It's a, uh, spiritual journey. You're tested. But it's like they say, the Devil is in the details.
  • "Ludd's Footsoldiers" holodoc, interview with Pather engineer
Missile Specialisation Missile specialization2.png Piloted Ship:
  • +100% missile weapon ammo capacity
  • +25% missile hitpoints

Hullmod: ECCM Package - improves missiles speed and guidance, reduces effect of enemy Electronic Warfare
Hullmod: Expanded Missile Racks - increases missile weapon ammo


  • +25% rate of fire for missile weapons
  • +25% missile weapon ammo regeneration rate (only for missile weapons that regenerate ammo)
  • +10% Missile Damage
My colleagues don't appreciate their whimsy. You get all these little spaceships and you break all the rules 'cause they don't need to survive landing.
  • Exit interview of K. Astraia, former ordnance designer, Culann Starforge


Skills that improve the combat performance of your fleet and of other military assets under your command.

–In-Game Description

Tier Skill Icon Skill Effect Skill Quote
Tier 1 Tactical Drills Weapon drills.png All Combat Ships, including Carriers and Militarized Civilian Ships:
  • +5% weapon damage for combat ships (maximum: 5%)
    • Maximum at 240 or less total combat ship deployment point cost

Hullmod: Advanced Turret Gyros - increases turret turn rate

Ground operations

  • +50% effectiveness of ground operations such as raids
  • -25% marine casualties suffered during ground operations such as raids

Now do it again

  • Cameron Fourth-Phobos, Coatl Gunnery Range

Coordinated Maneuvers Coordinated maneuvers2.png Ships with Officers, including Flagship:
  • +6% to nav rating* of fleet for deployed frigates, +3% from destroyers, +1% from cruisers and capitals.
  • +50% to command point recovery from deployed frigates, +25% from destroyers

Hullmod: Escort Package - increases manueverability, top speed, and weapon range when near a larger friendly ship
Hullmod: Nav Relay - increases top speed of deployed ships
Hullmod: Operations Center - increases command point recovery rate when on flagship

*Nav rating increases top speed up to a max of +20% *The total nav rating for the deployed ships of the fleet increases the top speed of all ships in the fleet, up to a maximum of 20%. Does not apply to fighters.

Sir- incoming hostiles burning hard. Big ones. Count two. No, three. More... there's too many! High energy read. Contact in six.
  • Audio archive from CIC of HSS Ceraon, recovered 189.09.13

Wolfpack Tactics Wolfpack.png Frigates and Destroyers with Officers, including Flagship:
  • +20% damage to ships larger than frigates if frigate, +10% damage to capital ships and cruisers if destroyer
  • +50% seconds peak operating time if frigate, +25% if destroyer
A fleet that acts with one mind makes those pretty formations so beloved by senior desk officers, a wallowing beast begging to have its throat slit. Cut loose the hounds that we may be wolves again.
  • Warlord Kanta, quoted in "My Year With The Pirate Queen"

Crew Training Crew training.png All Combat Ships, including Carriers and Militarized Civilian Ships:
  • +15% maximum combat readiness for combat ships (maximum: 15%)
    • Maximum at 240 or less total combat ship deployment point cost
I know your type. Signed the contract with dirt on your boots, all ready to play spacer. Watched too many Hegemony warprop holos, didn't you. Get this now: courage is not competence. Playing hero will get us all killed. Careful, mindful work is what gets the job done.
  • Chaiya Mimas, Tri-Tachyon fleet division, job training introduction

Carrier Group Carrier command.png All ships with Fighter Bays and grants increased effect to ships with Officers, including Flagship:
  • +50% (max) faster fighter replacement rate
    • Maximum at 8 or less fighter bays
    • Effect increased by 1.5x for ships with offcers, including flagship

Hullmod: Converted Fighter Bay - converts built-in fighter bays into improvised cargo holds
Hullmod: Converted Hangar - improvised fighter bay for non-carriers
Hullmod: Expanded Deck Crew - improves fighter replacement rate, increases crew requirements

The stats tell us they'll be evaporated in a wall of flak before a half dozen missions, but we still want to be 'em. Once they're in the cockpit they're the only ones of all us who have control over their own destiny.
  • Nachiketa Portside Interview Project, Ep.4

Tier 2 Officer Training Officer training.png Fleet:
  • +1 to maximum level of officers under your command
  • +1 to maximum number of elite skills for officers under your command
  • +2 command points

*The base maximum officer level is 5.

They may be a 'rag-tag gang of merchants, smugglers, and pirates', but if you give them something to fight for, I think they might surprise you.
  • Navarch Nurul Park, comment upon integration of the Cibolan navy

Officer Management Officer management.png Fleet:
  • +2 to maximum number of officers you're able to command
  • +2 command points

*The base maximum number of officers you're able to command is 8.

The outlook was grim, so I promised the merc captains double combat bonus. With all the casualties I only had to pay out to half of them, so everything worked out just fine.
  • Carson Kang, GM of Valhalla fleet division, Tri-Tachyon

Tier 3 Best of the Best Best of the best.png Fleet:
  • Able to build 1 more permanent hullmod into ships
  • Deployment points bonus from objectives is at least 10% of the battle size, even if holding no objectives

*The base maximum number of permanent hullmods you're able to build into a ship is 2.

What we have, Artemisia, is something that cannot be bought.
  • Orcus Rao at the negotiations ending the Second Al War (apocryphal)

Support Doctrine Space ops.png All Ships without Officers:


  • 100% faster command point recovery unless command was transferred to a ship originally without an officer
Not every cadet has talent, skill, or even two brain cells to rub together, but by hell and radiation they'll graduate with discipline.
  • unattributed comment by Coatl Academy staff, COMSEC archives


A mix of skills that benefit exploration, stealth, and certain aspects your fleet and officers' combat performance.

–In-Game Description

Tier Skill Icon Skill Effect Skill Quote
Sensors Sensors.png Fleet:
  • -25% detected-at range
  • +25% sensor range
  • +3 to burn level at which the fleet is considered moving slowly*

Hullmod: High Resolution Sensors - increases fleet's sensor range
Ability: Neutrino Detector - detect in-system entities at very long range; unreliable with false readings

*A slow-moving fleet is harder to detect in some types of terrain, and can avoid some hazards. Some abilities also make the fleet move slowly when activated. A fleet is considered slow-moving at a burn level of half that of its slowest ship.

I see you, little fish!
  • Comm buffer of ISS Green Flash, recovered in orbit of Beta Zuma B

Tier 2 Gunnery Implants Gunnery implants 0.95.png Piloted Ship:
  • +100% target leading accuracy for autofiring weapons
  • +15% ballistic and energy weapon range
  • -25% weapon recoil


  • +4% to ECM rating of fleet when piloting a frigate, +2% when piloting a destroyer, +1% for cruisers and capitals

*Enemy weapon range is reduced by the total ECM of your deployed ships, up to a maximum of 10%. This penalty is reduced by the ratio of the enemy ECM rating to yours. Does not apply to fighters, affects all weapons including missiles.

Over time the augmented reality presented by implants may become difficult to distinguish from normal sensory input. The psych officer should regularly check gunners for signs of Augment Dissociative Disorder by the following criteria...
  • A New Leadership Framework: Manual for Officers of the Hegemony

Energy Weapon Mastery Energy weapon mastery.png Piloted Ship:
  • Energy weapons deal up to +30% damage at close range, based on the firing ship's flux level.
    • Full bonus damage at 600 range and below, no bonus damage at 1000 range and above


  • -10% flux generated by energy weapons

Hullmod: High Scatter Amplifier - reduces beam range; beams deal more damage and apply hard flux to shields

The eye of an angel was found in the small places, hidden there by merciful God in the first moments of creation. Thus its secrets were laid bare for the ignorant and cruel to loose terrible, fiery wrath. We lament.
  • Sacred Texts of Ludd

Tier 3 Electronic Warfare EW 0.95.png All Combat Ships, including Carriers and Militarized Civilian Ships:
  • Every deployed combat ship grants +1% to ECM rating of fleet
  • Combat objectives are captured much more quickly and from longer range

*Enemy weapon range is reduced by the total ECM of your deployed ships, up to a maximum of 10%. This penalty is reduced by the ratio of the enemy ECM rating to yours. Does not apply to fighters, affects all weapons including missiles.

err. 401 // connection refused [try again?]

err. 401 // connection refused [try again?]
err. 401 // connection refused [try again?]

  • Celadon Immeasurable, alpha

Flux Regulation Flux dynamics 0.95.png Ship Loadouts:
  • +5 maximum flux capacitors
  • +5 maximum flux vents

All combat ships, including carriers and militarized civilian ships

  • +10% flux dissipation for combat ships (max: 10%)
  • +10% flux capacitance for combat ships (max: 10%)
    • Maximum at 240 or less total combat ship deployment points

Hullmod: Resistant Flux Conduits - reduces EMP damage taken, improves venting speed

WARNING: By changing these settings user waives responsibility of Tri-Tachyon Corporation for any resulting equipment damage, injury, death, or otherwise undiscovered spacetime effects. Do you wish to continue?
  • Tri-Tachyon Corporation, standard license

Phase Coil Tuning Phase corps.png All Combat Phase Ships:
  • +180 seconds peak operating time for combat phase ships (maximum: 180)
  • +50% top speed and acceleration while phase cloak active (maximum: 50%)
  • +100% to sensor strength of combat phase ships* (maximum: 100%)
    • Maximum at 40 or less total combat phase ship deployment point cost

Hullmod: Adaptive Phase Coils - reduces impact of hard flux level on top speed while phased
Hullmod: Phase Anchor - increases flux dissipation and weapon recharge while phased, emergency dive maneuver

*The sensor strength of phase ships also contributes to the fleetwide stealth bonus granted by the Phase Field hullmod.

Tri-Tachyon pries open holy creation daily, and at each desecration our wholesale damnation looms. Our path is burden; our path is suffering. We shall face them with faith that our only redemption is final judgment.
  • Livewell Cotton, Luddic Path terrorist, sermon of c205.2.12

Tier 4 Cybernetic Augmentation Cybernetic augmentation.png Fleet:
  • +1 to maximum number of elite skills for officers under your command

All ships with officers(but not AI cores), including flagship

  • +X% damage dealt and -X% damage taken (1% for each elite skill you have)
  • The damage-dealt bonus is doubled for the flagship
Don't listen to those weepy crypto-Luddics on the ethics board; the rejection rate is nowhere near what the rumors imply.
  • "Doctor" Wyatt Cydonia (alias), COMSEC intercept

Automated Ships Automated ships.png All Automated Ships:
  • Enables the recovery of some automated ships, such as derelict drones
  • Automated ships can only be captained by Al cores
  • +100% combat readiness (maximum: 100%): offsets built-in 100% penalty
    • Maximum at 120 or less total automated ship points

*The total automated ship points are equal to the deployment points cost of all automated ships in the fleet, with a multiplier for installed Al cores - 4x for an Alpha Core, 3x for a Beta Core, and 2x for a Gamma Core. Due to safety interlocks, ships with Al cores do not contribute to the deployment point distribution.

  • Hegemony COMSEC


Skills that improve the efficiency and resilience of your fleet, and make it easier to recover from losses.

–In-Game Description

Tier Skill Icon Skill Effect Skill Quote
Tier 1 Bulk Transport Bulk transport.png All Ships:
  • +50% cargo capacity (maximum 50%)
    • Maximum at 2000 or less base cargo capacity in fleet
  • +50% fuel capacity (maximum 50%)
    • Maximum at 2000 or less base fuel capacity in fleet
  • +50% personnel capacity (maximum 50%)
    • Maximum at 5000 or less base personnel capacity in fleet
  • Increases the burn level of all non-militarized civilian-grade ships by 2
You can no more escape the economy than you can escape gravity. It surrounds us, contains us, uplifts us. It bound the galaxy together once, and will again.
  • Artemisia Sun, c203 Annual Report

Salvaging Salvaging 0.95.png Fleet:
  • +50% resources - but not rare items, such as blueprints - recovered from abandoned stations and other derelicts
  • +20% post-battle salvage
  • -75% crew lost in non-combat operations
It makes me feel very small, like we're vermin plundering the cities of fallen angels.

It also makes me rich.

  • Zion Hurst, journeyman of the Asher Salvage Guild
Field Repairs Field repairs 0.95.png Fleet:
  • +50% ship repair rate outside of combat (maximum: 50%)
  • 25% of hull and armor damage taken repaired after combat ends, at no cost (maximum: 25%)
    • Maximum at 240 or less total deployment point cost
  • Recovered ships start with 30-40% hull integrity
  • Recovered ships start with 30-40% combat readiness
There's no one within twenty lights that hasn't got crossbones etched on their hull. We have only our skill and whatever we find in that debris field to get us out of here.
  • Callisto Ibrahim, expedition log c202.10.15

Tier 2 Ordnance Expertise Ordnance expert 2.png Piloted Ship:
  • +1.5 flux dissipation per ordnance point spent on weapons


  • +20 flux capacity per ordnance point spent on weapons
The weak fear the spiritual potency of the killing machine. The strong instinctually recognize its beauty.
  • Quotations from the Supreme Executor

Polarized Armor Polarized armor.png Piloted Ship:
  • Maximum damage reduction by armor increased from 85% to 90%
  • Up to +50% armor for damage reduction calculation only, based on current hard flux level
  • EMP damage taken reduced by up to 50%, based on current hard flux level


  • +25% flux dissipation rate while venting

Hullmod: Shield Shunt - removes shields, increases armor

*Ships without a shield or a phase cloak are treated as always having 50% hard flux

The pre-Collapse manuals say never to do this. ... No, I don't know. Haven't had any problems so far.
  • engineering chief Kasi Thea-Radiative, hidden holocam interview

Tier 3 Containment Procedures Containment procedures.png Fleet:
  • -50% crew lost due to hull damage in combat (maximum: 50%)
    • Maximum at 240 or less total deployment point cost
  • Reduces fuel consumption by 25% or 25 units, whichever is lower
  • +25% fuel salvaged
  • The "Emergency Burn" ability no longer reduces combat readiness
Check each seal three times true so that Death does not come for you.
  • Spacer tradition

Makeshift Equipment Makeshift equipment.png Fleet:
  • Reduces monthly supply consumption for ship maintenance by 50% or 100 units, whichever is lower
  • -50% resources required to survey planets

Ability: Remote Survey - do a preliminary survey on all nearby planets remotely
Hullmod: Surveying Equipment - reduce resource requirements for surveying

I guess we left the spares in orbit. It'll be fine ... [static] ... watch this.
  • audio backup transcription, Jericho Wheeler, leader of expedition "H"-team

Industrial Planning Industrial planning.png Governed Colony:
  • All industries supply 1 more unit of all the commodities they produce

All colonies

  • +50% maximum value of custom ship and weapon production per month
A barren but promising world well-situated to become the center of culture and industry of Magec; our models project vast investment in resource exploitation from Guayota's Disk.
  • Tri-Tachyon strategic development memo, pre-Collapse

Tier 4 Hull Restoration Recovery ops 0.95.png Fleet:
  • All of your ships are almost always recoverable if lost in combat
  • Ships lost in combat have a 75% (if 60 deployment points or higher) to 90% (5 DP or lower) chance to avoid d-mods
  • Chance to remove one d-mod per month from a randomly selected ship in your fleet
  • Chance to quickly remove one d-mod from newly acquired ships; higher for ships with more d-mods
  • +15% maximum combat readiness for all ships, minus 5% per d-mod (minimum of 0%)
There's no hull a true spacer can't make home.
  • Sol Secondshift, veteran salvor

Derelict Operations Derelict contingent.png All Ships:
  • Deployment point cost of ships reduced by 6% per d-mod
  • (D) hull deployment cost reduction also applies to maintenance cost

*Maximum effect reached at 5 d-mods.

They think we're trash, the execs and admirals in their shiny starships. They threw us away the second it went bad. But it's us the Sector got built on and it's us that'll cut 'em down.
  • anonymous pirate agitator, HEGINT surveillance feed


Officers gain skills like the player, but only to a maximum level of 5 (6 with the "Officer Training" Leadership skill), which are chosen from a pool of 4 skills when they level up.

The pool of skills that can be chosen from are only skills that affects the piloted ship, e.g. all Combat skills and none of the Leadership skills.

SP 100% XP may be spent to mentor officers, doubling their experience gain and increasing their skill selection to 6, as well as optionally changing their personality by one step (once per officer).

SP 0% XP can be spent to upgrade one of their skills to Elite level (this number can be increased up to 3 with Officer Training & Cybernetic Augmentation).

Rare officers found in cryopods during exploration have 7 skills, of which 5 are Elite.

Officers at max level can be retrained for SP 100% XP to change their Elite skills and their personality.

Mercenary officers can also be hired on markets for SP 100% XP, with a two-cycle term of service. They start at level 4-6 with a fixed set of skills and cannot level up.

AI Cores


AI Cores are used in place of human officers on ships with the Automated Ship hullmod, used by certain factions found outside core space such as Derelict Drones and REDACTED.

These AI Cores will always have the Fearless personality, which is equivalent to Reckless.

Using such ships requires the Automated Ships skill.

A Gamma Core has 3 skills, a Beta Core has 5 skills, and an Alpha Core has 7 skills.

Integrating the core into the ship for SP 0% XP gives an extra skill and makes the core unremovable except by scuttling or otherwise losing the ship.

All of the AI Core's skills are Elite and can be changed in the officer screen at any time for no cost.



Only an Alpha Core can serve as an Administrator to a colony.

They will always have the Industrial Planning skill, but also a special skill called Hypercognition, which will give the following:


  • Patch 0.97a: 
    • ECM rating:
      • Reduces enemy weapon range by the ECM rating
      • Both sides can have a penalty at the same time
      • Penalty is capped to a maximum of 10%
      • After being capped, the penalty is reduced by the ratio of enemy and player ECM ratings(E.G. if both sides have the same ECM rating, each side's penalty is reduced by 50%)
    • Electronic Warfare:
      • Retains the +1% ECM rating from all combat ships effect
      • Makes combat objectives be captured *much* more quickly and from longer range (5x faster, +1000 range)
      • Most Remnant fleets no longer have it
    • Cybernetic Augmentation:
      • Is now a top-tier skill, replacing Neural Link which moves down
      • Increases the number of elite skills officers can have by 1 (was: 2)
      • Now also increases the damage dealt/reduces the damage taken by all ships with officers
      • The bonus is 1% per elite skill the player has
      • The damage-dealt bonus is doubled for the flagship
    • Neural Integrator hullmod:
      • Significantly reduced OP cost (now same as Neural Interface)
      • Increases the ship's deployment points/supply cost by 20% instead
    • Neural Link:
      • Moved down a tier
      • Clarified skill description / related hullmod tooltips
      • Will now set autofire state to group defaults when switching ships for the first time
    • Ballistic Mastery: added "+5% damage dealt by ballistic weapons" to elite effect
    • Target Analysis:
      • "+10% damage to destroyers" is now an elite effect
      • Added extra elite effect: "+5% damage to frigates"
      • Also retains original elite effect
    • Systems Expertise: changed elite effect to "-10% damage taken"
    • Missile Specialization:
      • Reduced bonus rate of fire to 25% (was: 50%)
      • Reduced bonus missile hitpoints to 25% (was: 50%)
      • Added elite effect: +25% missile ammo regeneration rate
    • Helmsmanship:
      • Changed base speed bonus to 15% (was: 10%)
      • Changed elite speed bonus to 10su/s (was: 5)
    • Combat Endurance: elite effect will now repair the hull up to 100% (was: up to 50%)
    • Field Modulation:
      • Increased hard flux dissipation while shields are active to 20% (was: 15%)
      • Added "-25% overload duration" to elite effect
    • Damage Control: replaced elite effect with: "Repairs of damaged but functional weapons and engines can continue while they are under fire"
    • Ordnance Expertise: reduced base skill bonus to 1.5 flux dissipation per ordnance point (was: 2)
    • Hull Restoration:
      • Somewhat faster repair of d-mods for ships with lower deployment points
      • Removed maximum CR increase per s-mod
      • Added "+15% maximum CR, -5% per d-mod (minimum 0%)"
    • Support Doctrine: added non-elite Ordnance Expertise to skills gained by unofficered ships
    • Containment Procedures: fuel use reduction changed to 25% (was: 50%), maximum total is unchanged
  • Patch 0.95.1a [RC3]: 
    • Note: this list is not comprehensive, but should cover the main changes
    • Skill effect text now shown at full brightness
      • Unless the player has the skill but not its elite effect, in which case the latter is dark to make it clear it's not unlocked
    • Rearranged skills in a different tier structure for each aptitude, retaining 2 top-tier picks in each
      • Choose enough skills in lower tiers to unlock the next tier
      • Can skip a tier by taking more skills in lower tiers instead
    • Skills within a tier are no longer mutually exclusive
      • Reaching the top tier requires 4 points, plus 1 more to actually take a top-tier skill
      • Taking the second top-tier skill requires spending 2 more points in lower tiers, plus 1 more for the skill, for 8 points in the aptitude total
        • This replaces wrapping around entirely
      • Skills that have been made elite and reassigned can be re-made elite at no cost
    • Elite skill levels are generally a bit more powerful
    • All skills can be unassigned, there are no more permanent skills
      • Unassigning skills that gave additional s-mods will result in s-mods being removed (the player can choose which for the ships in their fleet)
      • Unassigning skills that boosted officer level/elite skills will result in either the officer becoming a mercenary on a new contract, or losing excess skills
      • And so on
      • There is a mechanism for mods to "undo" the effects of any custom skills not covered by this
        • And a built-in handler for the "ship over maximum ordnance points" case
  • Patch 0.95a: 
    • Complete redo of skills.
    • Four aptitudes
    • Each aptitude has 5 tiers of 2 skills each
    • Pick one of two skills at each tier
    • Can pick other skills after reaching tier 5 and wrapping around
    • One skill point spent per skill to unlock its effects
    • Maximum level is 15
    • Gain story points have a variety of uses in the campaign; 4 per level
      • Also keep gaining story points at a steady rate at max level
    • Story point uses often grant "bonus XP" which increases XP gain
      • "Weaker" uses of story points grant more bonus XP
  • Patch 0.9: 
    • Increased maximum player level to 50 for the moment; pending another look at skills
    • Removed Surveying skill; can now survey planets with any hazard rating
      • Increased cost by a flat +10 supplies
      • Significantly reduced the value of survey data (30k for Class V; was: 100k)
  • Patch 0.8.1: 
    • Coordinated Maneuvers maximum now applies after bonus from current ship is subtracted, not before
    • Recovery Operations: level 3 now provides +50% fuel found instead of +10% general salvage
    • Added "Converted Hangar" modspec to level 2 Fighter Doctrine
    • Fleet Logistics:
      • Swapped level 1 and 2 effects
      • Maintenance cost reduction is now 30% (was: 50%)
    • Helmsmanship: level 3 bonus now applies at up to 5% flux (was: 1%)
    • Advanced Countermeasures:
      • Level 1: increased to -50% kinetic damage vs armor (was: 20%)
      • Level 2: increased to -25% HE damage vs shields (was: 20%)
      • Level 3: damage to fighters/missiles increased by 50% (was: 30%)
    • Fighter Doctrine: bonuses reduced to 15% (were: 25%)
    • Carrier Command: bonuses reduced to 20% (were: 25%)
    • Wing Commander: level 3 accuracy bonus reduced to 50% (was: 100%)
  • Patch 0.8: Broad skill rework