Mine Strike

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Heavy mine3.png
Teleports a heavy phase mine to the target area. The mine will slowly track nearby enemy ships and explodes a few seconds after its proximity trigger is activated. Can be used while phased.

–In-Game Description

This ship system is known to be used on the following ships:


Mine Strike is a very powerful ship system. Even improperly used, it can create distractions for the enemy AI and PD fire, and force ships to turn their shields or risk significant damage. A properly placed mine can kill whole fighter wings or damage multiple too-closely-packed ships.

The Doom stores five mines at once, which recharge over time (one every 5 seconds) and have a range of 1500 units. The Star Fortress's Station Battery Modules have an improved version with a 3500 unit range and seven stored mines, recharging every 3 seconds.

The mines are considered medium missiles and therefore benefit from (Elite) Missile Specialization skill. They are also affected by Target Analysis.

See also

External links

Icon cross.png
At least two versions out of date. Last verified for version 0.9.1. Please refer to Version History and update this page.