Anahita Baird

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"This is about opening up the galaxy again, captain. Yes, you see it now: the Gates. It was always about the Gates."

–Anahita Baird following the recovery of Scylla Coureuse and the Kallichore Archive[1][2]

Anahita Baird is the provost of the Galatia Academy.


Baird was appointed provost after her predecessor Tomas Kallichore was arrested over the Galatia Incident.[3][4] pursuing a new line of research relating to the gates, using the player character to conduct various operations towards reactivating the Gate network.


"I don't ask that you like me and I won't make a sanctimonious appeal to your emotions. What I ask is that you recognize, rationally, that I am pursuing a course of action unburdened by factional demands. Indeed, this will be the foremost effort to ensure the survival of our civilization from collapse."

–Anahita Baird[5]
