Alviss Sebestyen

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"The new provost - that is, Provost Baird - assigned me to be your liaison with the academy. I hope you're as excited to work with me as I am to be working with you!"

–Alviss Sebestyen meeting the player for the first time[1]

Alviss Sebestyen is an academician at the Galatia Academy.

Sebestyen serves as a quasi-contact, offering various generic missions from the Academy. Unlike most other missions, these do not have a time limit (except the "Deliver VIP" mission). These missions are no longer available after completing "At The Gates".

Getting Friendly relations with Sebestyen is required to unlock the "Extract 'Researcher'" mission in the Academy quest chain.


Sebestyen is a shy, overly polite man with a highly friendly manner towards the player character. He also sometimes shows bouts of excessive enthusiasm. After "At The Gates", the player can choose to prod him about his continued loyalty to Provost Anahita Baird.
