Gate Hauler

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Gate hauler1.jpg
A massive, automated starship tasked to carry the Gates used to establish near-instantaneous connections between star systems. After travelling countless lonely cycles, the Gate would be emplaced in a new system and activated to spew forth an explosion of newcomers seeking resources, data, and experiences to feed the grand culture and economy of the Domain.

–In-Game Description

The Gate Hauler is a large discoverable ship found in the abyss. It can be used to place a gate in a star system of the player's choosing.


The hauler is found in "Deep Space" around an ice giant. The easiest way to get to this location is to find the Wormhole Anchor in the Limbo star system (in the abyss, at the bottom left corner of the map), place it at the Limbo stable location, and travel through the wormhole.

Reactivating the hauler requires 1,000 transplutonics, some of which can be found from the Limbo mining station. Once reactivated, it can be ordered to move to another star system. The hauler will slowly travel between the stars using its Alcubierre drive (rather than the hyperspace used by ordinary ships); it may take a cycle or two to arrive depending on how far the system is.

Once it reaches the target system, the hauler will enter a suitable parking orbit; being nearby when it stops will award 1 story point. The hauler can now be directed to deploy its gate (requires a free stable location), or to move to another system. Once its gate is deployed, the hauler is removed from the game.