Passage to Volturn

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"These aren't the passengers I'm looking for," the Diktat officer repeats. A hint of disbelief slips out at the final word.

–Unused dialog during the patrol interaction

"Passage to Volturn" is a minor hidden mission introduced in Starsector 0.96. It is named "A New Hope" in the game code, after the Star Wars film which the mission is a parody and homage of.


The bar event to start the quest has a 50% chance of appearing in the bar on Asharu in the Corvus Star System, but the player must not have a Sindrian Diktat commission or a capital ship.[1] The encounter can still appear, but the old man will reject the player over these issues.


Robed man.png

The player encounters an 'old man', a 'kid' and a robot in the bar. The man offers 10,000¢ for passage to Volturn in the Askonia Star System; the player can ask for an increase to 17,000¢.

On arriving in Askonia, the player will be chased by a Diktat patrol, whose commander demands the surrender of a 'terrorist' matching the old man's description. If caught, the player can:

  • Hand over the old man for 8,000¢, or all three passengers for 15,000¢
  • Provide a fake passenger manifest for SP 100% XP
  • Submit to a search, causing percentage-based combat readiness loss to one or more ships
  • Violently resist

Handing over at least one person will give a reputation increase with the Diktat; other options will lower it.

If the kid has not been handed over, dock with Volturn to complete the mission.


  1. Row anhCantinaStartInBar in rules.csv, Starsector.
Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.