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|name                = 
|designation         = 
|shipsize            = 
|image               = 
|crperdeployment     = 
|recoveryrate        = 
|recoverycost        = 
|peakperformance     = 
|maintenance         = 
|cargocapacity       = 
|maximumcrew         = 
|skeletoncrew        = 
|fuelcapacity        = 
|maximumburn         = 
|fuelperly           = 
|flightdecks         = 
|ordnancepoints      = 
|hullintegrity       = 
|armorrating         = 
|defense             = 
|cloakactivationcost = 
|cloakupkeepsec      = 
|shieldarc           = 
|shieldupkeepsec     = 
|shieldfluxdamage    = 
|fluxcapacity        = 
|fluxdissipation     = 
|topspeed            = 
|system              = 
|mounts              = 
|weapons             = 
|weaponloadout       =
|hullmods            = 
|hullmodloadout      =
|categoryhidetoggle  = 

To add in stat penalties (for degraded hull mods) just copy paste the below into the above template and fill in as needed.

|recoverycostmodifier    = 
|cargocapacitymodifier   =
|maximumcrewmodifier     =
|skeletoncrewmodifier    =
|maximumburnmodifier     = 
|topspeedmodifier        = 
|hullintegritymodifier   = 
|armorratingmodifier     = 
|fluxcapacitymodifier    = 
|fluxdissipationmodifier = 

Redacted content should have the categoryhidetoggle field populated with anything, to avoid triggering the automatic category assignment. Non-redacted content should leave this field blank.