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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:TextColor/data/doc

local colors = {
	hl               = "#ffd200",
	h                = "#ffd200",
	bad              = "#ff6400",
	good             = "#9bff00",
	story            = "#a3ef80",
	ballistic        = "#eebb00",
	energy           = "#66aaff",
	missile          = "#44cc44",
	hybrid           = "#ff8800",
	composite        = "#aadd44",
	synergy          = "#22eeee",
	universal        = "#aaaaaa",
	highexplosive    = "#d03438",
	kinetic          = "#c7b69e",
	energy           = "#7dc2ff",
	fragmentation    = "#ffe183",
	hegemony         = "#f5961e",
	independent      = "#969696",
	luddicchurch     = "#05730a",
	luddicpath       = "#96c800",
	perseanleague    = "#dcb937",
	pirates          = "#c80000",
	remnants         = "#46ffeb",
	sindriandiktat   = "#c8007d",
	tritachyon       = "#87ceff",
	explorarium      = "#867874",
	combatskill      = "#c7886b",
	leadershipskill  = "#74aa5b",
	technologyskill  = "#46a2e3",
	industryskill    = "#b8ad59",
	cooperative      = "#9bff00",
	welcoming        = "#cbcb90",
	inhospitable     = "#9b8b86",
	vengeful         = "#ffa500",
	common           = "#b6c0c0",
	lowtech          = "#c26755",
	midline          = "#cebb61",
	hightech         = "#8cbbc5",
	unknown          = "#999999",

return colors