Modding:Weapon Slots

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Weapon slots are specified in a hull's .ship file and determine where weapons can be mounted.


A unique identifier for the weapon slot. Used in the .variant file to identify which slot each weapon should go in.


X/Y coordinates of the mount.


Default heading of the weapon.


The angle in which the weapon can pivot from left to right (so 120° arc means the weapon can turn up to 60° in either direction).


Mount type: turret / hardpoint / hidden.

Turrets can rotate around large arcs. Hardpoints are generally fixed to 5 or 10 degrees and rotate more slowly than turrets. In vanilla, the same weapon will have a different sprite when placed in a turret vs. a hardpoint. Weapons in hidden mounts are not rendered (except for visibile missiles) and cannot be disabled.


Small, medium or large.


Ballistic / Energy / Missile / Hybrid / Composite / Synergy / Universal / Launch Bay / System / Decorative / Built_In / Station_Module. Determines what type of weapons can be slotted in. Hybrid for Ballistic & Energy, Composite for Ballistic & Missile, and Synergy for Energy & Missile.

Launch Bays are where fighters are launched and refit from (don't forget to change the fighter column in ship_data.csv for your ship, otherwise no fighter wings will be added). System mounts are from where certain ship systems like EMP Emitter and Flares are fired. Built_In weapons are specified in the .ship file and cannot be replaced or removed. Station_Module slots are where modules are attached to stations or ships.

​See Refit Screen for information on weapon types. Note that while a weapon can technically be assigned the Hybrid, Composite, Synergy or Universal weapon types, such weapons can only go into Universal Mounts (so e.g. a Hybrid weapon cannot fit into a Ballistic, Energy or Hybrid mount).