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Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.

Missions refer to two different gameplay features in Starsector.

Campaign missions

Campaign missions provide a task for the player to complete in exchange for credits, reputation, or other rewards.

Intel missions

These missions can be picked up by being in range of an active comms relay.

Intel Missions
Icon Name Pay Range Type Notes
Analyze entity.png Analyze Entity 30,000¢ - 90,000¢ Exploration
  • Needs to be accepted in the Intel Screen.
  • May be withdrawed if enough time has passed.
  • Intel gives the star system containing the object.
  • Intel also gives the approximate location of the object within the system.
Survey planet.png Survey Planet 30,000¢ - 90,000¢ Exploration
  • Needs to be accepted in the Intel Screen.
  • May be withdrawal if enough time has passed.
  • Intel gives the star system of the planet.
  • Intel also gives the required resources to successfully carry out a full survey of the planet.
Bounties.png Personal Bounty ~40,000¢ - ~350,000¢ Bounty
  • Intel gives constellation, system type, and planet type where the fleet is hiding around.
  • Intel also gives the approximate size of the fleet, with the biggest ships known.
Bounties2.png System Bounty 1,000¢ - 2,000¢ per Frigate Bounty
  • Intel gives afflicted system.
  • Bounty is valid for the entire system and nearby hyperspace.
Pirate base.png Pirate Base 40,000¢ - 80,000¢ Bounty
  • Intel gives the system where the Pirate Base is located.
Pather base.png Pather Base - Bounty
  • Intel gives the system where the Pather Base is located.

Generic missions

Main article: Generic missions

These missions can be started by going to a bar on a planet or by acquiring a contact, then visiting their location and calling them.

Galatia Academy missions

Main article: Galatia Academy Missions

These missions can be started by contacting Alviss Sebestyen at the Galatia Academy.

The player needs to first Visit the Academy to gain access to them, and will no longer gain access to them after completing At The Gates.

Story missions

These are longer mission lines that can only be completed once per campaign.

Story Missions
Icon Name Faction
Tutorial mission.png Stabilize the Jump-points Hegemony
GA intro.png Visit the Academy Galatia Academy
GA intro.png Return the Data Core Galatia Academy
Direct jump.png Extract 'Researcher' Galatia Academy
Kallichore archive.png Kallichore Archive Galatia Academy
Finding coureuse.png Finding Coureuse Galatia Academy
Project ziggurat.png Project Ziggurat Galatia Academy
At the gates.png At The Gates Galatia Academy
Red planet.png Red Planet Independents
Passage to Volturn icon.png Passage to Volturn Independents
Eventide mission icon.png Princess of Persea Hegemony
Ai core alpha.png Technology Cache Independents
Pilgrims path.png The Pilgrim's Path Luddic Church
Knight errant.png Knight Errant Luddic Church
The usurpers.png The Usurpers Sindrian Diktat
The Scythe of Orion.png The Scythe of Orion Luddic Path

Main menu missions

Main menu missions are short tactical battles between pre-defined fleets that are accessed from the Missions button in the main menu.

In missions the player has no character skills but is free to refit their fleet with any weapons and hullmods they want.

They provide a way for the player to immediately jump into various combat situations.

The main menu missions currently in the game are:

Main Menu Missions
Icon Name Difficulty
Afistfulofcredits.jpg A Fistful of Credits EASY
Turningthetables.jpg Turning the Tables EASY
Forthegreaterlud.jpg For the Greater Ludd MEDIUM
Thewolfpack.jpg The Wolf Pack MEDIUM
Ambush.jpg Ambush MEDIUM
Hornetsnest.jpg Hornet's Nest HARD
Thelasthurrah.jpg The Last Hurrah HARD
Direstraits.jpg Dire Straits IMPOSSIBLE
Predatororprey.jpg Predator or Prey? HARD
Sinkingthebismarck.jpg Sinking the Bismar HARD
Nothingpersonal.jpg Nothing Personal HARD
Coralnebula.jpg Coral Nebula MEDIUM
Forlornhope.jpg Forlorn Hope HARD
Randombattle1.jpg Random Battle VARIABLE