Debris Field

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Space Debris
Debris left behind after a battle, a salvaging operation, or simply drifting together at a gravitationally stable location.

This particular field appears stable and is unlikely to drift apart any time soon. / This particular field is unstable but should not drift apart for at least two weeks.

–In-Game Description

Debris Fields are large cluster of space trash that can be salvaged for loot with the Scavenge ability, they come in 2 distinct variations.

Note that each debris field can only be scavenged once.

Slow-moving or stationary fleets in a debris field will have their sensor profile reduced by 75%.


Debris field icon.png

Stable debris fields are generated as part of the Sector procedural generation, and will remain marked on the map once discovered.

They're found orbiting or within celestial objects like planets, stars, jump points, asteroid belts / fields, surrounding a Gate or just in empty space.


Unstable debris fields needs to be generated, usually from combat or exploring & looting another sufficiently large derelict object (e.g. Domain Exploration Derelicts, stations).

These debris field will eventually dissipate when 2 weeks has past, and it's generally better to scavenge them immediately before they spread out too much and make the job more difficult.

Do note that if one of the aforementioned large derelict objects has a defending fleet, both the defeated fleet & object will generate their own debris field on top of each other, necessitatin the use of the Scavenge ability twice.


Debris fields usually just drop Metals, Supplies, Fuel & Heavy Machinery.

Occasionally Crew, Marines or Harvested Organs (from poor souls) can be obtained.

On rare instances, an Officer can be rescued, who would be at least level 5 with 1 elite skill. Even more rarely are "legendary" officers that are level 7 with 5 elite skills, of which only 4 can be found each campaign.

An Administrators can also be found, who will almost always have the Industrial Planning skill.

Icon check.png
Up to date for latest version, 0.97a.